Chapter 21

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"Daphne..." Bloom said before she fell into unconsciousness. Sky quickly place his thumb on her wrist, feeling the slow yet faint heartbeat. He look up at the translucent figure before him.

"What is happening to my wife?" he asked. Daphne place one hand on Bloom's pregnant stomach.

"You must deliver the twins," Daphne answered. Sky stare at her in shock.

"But I don't know how to."

"If you don't you will lose them."

Sky took a deep breath and exhal slowly. "Fine, but how?"

"I will guide you as well as Bloom. I will give some of my energy to her. It would be enough to last through the delivery."

"And after that, what'll become of her?"

Daphne place her finger on Bloom's forehead, sending some of her energy to her. Bloom's eyes flew open.

She stare at Daphne in horror.

"No, no please, I beg you," Bloom whispered. Daphne lean in and whisper something to her that Sky couldn't hear.

"I will not die, Daphne," she told her sternly, lifting her chin up in stubbornness. They both look at him. Bloom smile weakly while Daphne gave him a nod to start.


A cry of pain shook the dark cavern. She couldn't contain it any longer. The pain was too strong, she was too weak. Her love urging her to keep going until suddenly a cry broke out.

"It's a boy, Bloom," Sky said softly, holding the baby boy up for her to see. Bloom blink back tears of joy.

"Adam . . . Daphne!" she screeched in agony. Daphne commanded her sister to push again and again. Then, another cry broke out.

"It's a girl," Sky said, holding the baby girl up for her to see. Bloom smile at her daughter.

"Phoenix . . . ," she said before her eyes droop downward. She was so tire and terribly weak, she couldn't summon her powers to help heal herself.

"Stay awake, sister," Daphne said. Sky look at his wife worriedly, knowing he couldn't do nothing to help her.

"So tire," she mumbled.

"If you don't, you will die."


Sky place the twins in a makeshift bed for them and walk over to his dying wife. He grab both of her hands as he knelt down beside her.

"What is it Bloom?" Sky asked. Bloom turn her glassy blue eyes to his.

"It's risky but I need your help in healing me. You will share my burden of the pain. You will be able to help me heal," Bloom said, her voice gasping for air. Sky stare at her.

For almost 12 hours, his wife gave birth to their son, Adam and their daughter, Phoenix. Now, he could lose the love of his life in the next hour.

"You are strong, Sky, just like your father..." Bloom's voice trailed off, her head turning over to the side.

"Oh god no! No, no, no, no!" Sky shook her gently but to no avail. She was not coming back. He lay his forehead against her cool forehead, whispering 'I love you' over and over again. Finally, he gave her a passionate kiss, a kiss of his love.

He felt his body burning, letting the heat warm his body. When he open his eyes, his belove was glowing. She glow a fiery red until it became intense the Sky rush over to their children, covering them from the heat. For their small, fragile body can't take that much intense heat, let alone survive it.

"Sky, she will live," Daphne said a moment later. Sky thank her as she vanish into gold dust.

He turn his attention to Bloom. His wife was thankfully alive and sleeping.

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