Nothing Left to Lose

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Jack's POV

I fly across Auradon. Not bothering to hide. My nightmares gallop alongside me. I have one goal, and nothing is stopping me. Not this time.

I spot overhead my target: Beast Castle. Home of my enemies...where my mother first cursed King Adam.

They will curse the day they created the Isle that took my family from me!

People are already rushing out of the castle. Panicking, now that they see me. I feel stronger, tasting their terror. Fear. They're only fueling me.

"It's Jack!" Carlos yelled out. He and the rest of his pals not to mention Fairy Godmother and the famed Beauty and the Beast. Perfect. All I want to punish conviently in the same place.

Purple smoke engulfs Mal, changing her into a dragon once again. Yes, at last I can test my new powers!

She flies, charging towards me. I thrust my staff and release a great flurry of black ice. Mal screeches in pain, unprepared for the icy, burning hail storm.

She tries to counter attack with fire. I respond with whipping winds and sleet! 

She tries to turn it back on me, by beating her wings. 

Sorry, missy, wind is MY element. I return back to her twice stronger.

Mal is flung back, crashing into the balcony!

Everyone tries to scatter before they fall off with the now-crumbling balcony.

But ONE person didn't get out of the danger zone in time...

But ONE person didn't get out of the danger zone in time

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"JANE!" Carlos screams as Ben and Jay hold him back.

Fairy Godmother's daughter clings to a breaking edge, dangling

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Fairy Godmother's daughter clings to a breaking edge, dangling. She looks terrified.

Mal is currently, unconscious on the ground.

And no one can rescue Jane, because if more weight is put on the balcony Jane's gonna plummet.

I didn't want to feel empathy or show compassion but as I look at Jane's terrified face and the desperate anguish on Carlos'; all I can think of is how  only yesterday, that was me and Elsa.

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