The Enchantress: Mother Nature

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(Jack's P.O.V.)

Everyone in the yard, save Daddy and Hades, looked like someone punched them in the gut. They looked positively sick. And it wasn't because of magic. 

"It's a fake!" Audrey screamed. "Villains lie all the time! Of course they'd do it again!"

Queen Leah nodded, holding both her granddaughter and daughter's hands.

Daddy looked unimpressed.

Hades sighed and said, "Hit it, Nightmare King!"

Daddy snapped his fingers. Two nightmare horses charged in from the shadows. And with them a large glass case. 

It bore the crest of King Stephen and inside something alive was moving. 

Hades used his ember to drive all the dust away.

"STOP! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" King Stephen roared, desperation in his voice.

Hades turned to him, about to reply, but Aurora beat him to it.

"No. The truth should be revealed. I WANT to know the truth."

And then everyone saw it: A pair of gigantic wings, desperately trying to get out.

"BEHOLD!" Hades thundered. "MALEFICENT'S WINGS. STOLEN BY, NONE OTHER, THAN KING STEPHEN. The man you know as Sleeping Beauty's father."

Daddy cackled along with Hades. No one else was laughing though.

"It's true." Was all Aurora said. She refused to look at her father or anyone else in general.

"Now that, that's been settled," Daddy announced, "May I move to the next event, Hades, Old Friend?"

"Go Wild, Koz!" Hades did finger-guns.

"Oh Beast, Beast." Daddy glided towards Ben's Dad.

Beast looked tense and hostile. Belle clutched his arm. Both Ben and Mal exchanged worried glances.

What WAS Daddy planning?

"I must say, for someone whose past is so similar to everyone else's on the Isle, you're pretty confident at condemning us."

"Excuse me?" The Beast growled.

"Last I checked, holding an elderly man hostage in exchange for his daughter was considered an act of villainy.

"And I forgave him for that!" Belle interrupted.

A nasty smile spread on Daddy's face. they've done it.

"And just what gave HIM a right to judge others then, hmmmm!? By the way, had it not been for that Enchanted Rose mercy he would've never made it this far!"

I glide closer to him. He's getting a little hysterical.

 He's getting a little hysterical

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