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Author's Note: This chapter revision was also done by crossoverLIFE19. Thank you, crossoverLIFE19, I really appreciate it! 😊🤗🤗

          By morning, everything sets in. My muscles feel slow - every movement sluggish and painful. I'm all packed, and it just makes everything so much worse. My closet is completely empty - all the clothes that fit me are tucked into the little suitcase while everything else lay in the streets. Leave it for the brave souls who need it, Dad had said. A sigh leaves my lips as I grab one of the only pairs of shoes in my closet. They're my favorite pair, and they still bring a smile to my face as I peer down at them. Little elf shoes with bells at the end, hand-stitched by Mom. 

   "She made them the day she knew your gender," Dad says. 

    I look up at him, and more tears spring free. He smiles at me and moves forward. He holds a stack of paper in his hands, and little pens with invisible ink are sticking out of his coat pocket. I watch him place them in the suitcase, his movements almost as slow as mine as he zips the side pocket once more. He glides over to me, grabbing the shoes from my hands and placing them on top of my clothes. I watch his movements, feeling glued to the ground. I'm leaving today - and there's no going back once I'm gone. A tear slips past my barrier, just as Dad looks up at me. His frown deepens and he glides over to me, enveloping me in a hug. I can't stop the hiccup that passes my lips and Dad tightens his hold around me. I love his hugs - he has the strength to hold me together when it feels like everything is falling apart. 

   "It's going to be alright, Jack. Come now - you've got a bright future ahead of you," Dad whispers, slowly releasing me. 

      I only respond with a shrug, not trusting my voice to hold up if I decide to speak up. In truth, the misery in the pit of my stomach - twisting and churning until the urge to vomit grows large - is hard to look past. I don't care for my future, not for one where I leave everything I love. I hear Dad sigh, and glance up for a brief moment to watch him shuffle around my room again. He grabs a copy of Dark Fairy Tales he and Mom used to read to me. I remember all of those, having memorized them as a kid. No matter, that's forever one of my most prized possessions. It leads to so many wonderful memories; times when our family was whole and nobody in the world could tear us apart. Now, someone seems to be playing tug-a-war with my family, and I can't help but feel as if I'm losing. 

      As Dad places the book inside the roller suitcase, I move to my bed. I sit on it for a moment, trying to memorize all of the dreams and nightmares I've had. I'm going to miss every inch of it - more so now that Dad won't be there to hold me together after a nightmare. Sighing again, I reach over and grab Scary Mary. Her nose is falling apart, her fur is dulling, and his hooves are dirty - but it still looks beautiful to me. With hesitation holding my limbs, I place it in the suitcase as well. My head hangs, and the pressure shoves me down until I'm lying on my bed. I'm leaving. The pain rockets to a 180 as I watch Dad pace around to be sure I grabbed everything I need. I know I did -there isn't much that I keep in my possession. 

    Suddenly, Dad breaks the silence. "Jack, before we leave for the limo, I need to explain some things you need to know when you cross the barrier." At his proclamation, I force myself to sit and look at him properly. His jaw is set, but his eyes are kind. A worry like no other is starting to surface in his golden orbs, and I can't help the nervous shift as I stand up. "Listen carefully. The barrier surrounding this island keeps out magic of all kinds. But outside, magic is as strong as ever. You have natural magic in you. Have you ever wondered why your skin is naturally icy to the touch? Or why down here sometimes you can frost something by touching it? And perhaps occasionally you made a snowball down here?" 


   "Well, out there you will have the power of winter and wind. Your mother knew this when she first saw you. You would've resembled her with brown hair and brown eyes had you been born in Auradon with all her powers of nature. But thanks to this blasted barrier, it affected your magical health leaving you with only winter and wind at your fingertips. 

    That is also why it was so difficult to give birth to your sister, leading to both their deaths. Anyways, the deeper underground we are, the more magical potential we can hope to have. For example, sometimes I can blend in the shadows, like you with the frost dusting and occasional snowball.

    A pathetic cry to what we could do without the barrier. When you go to Auradon, your powers will emerge. It can be affected by emotions. To channel it, I've made this." 

       Daddy presents a long, crooked staff. The wood twists around in mesmerizing swirls, and as I take it in my hands, I can feel the power trying to push out. It makes me relax; my shoulders finally losing their tense pose and all of my weight shifting to lean on the staff. It's even taller than I am - it's twisting top almost touching the top of my head. 

    After a moment, I tune back into the world and look to Dad

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    After a moment, I tune back into the world and look to Dad. He smiles, a proud little smirk tugging at the edge of his lips.

     "It's made of a magical wood, called Twinetender. It will help you channel and release your powers. Plus it was made just for you, so it will be part of you the same as your arm or leg. If someone hurts or breaks it, it will affect you. Be careful to keep your staff with you at all times," he says, moving to grab the suitcase. 

      I nod, clutching it more fiercely. I have a feeling this gift is the most valuable Dad's given me yet. An itch that spreads throughout my body at the simple thought, forcing me to hold back a shudder. 

     "It's time we went to the place you're supposed to be picked up," Dad mentions, only glancing at the clock for a moment. 

     I sigh, shouldering my backpack, and Daddy drags my suitcase out the door. The light from the sun blinds me, but I don't flinch as I glare ahead. Auradon wants me as it's next victim - I'm going to give it the best I got. They won't tear my family apart anymore; I won't stand back as they trick people to believe they're what's good in the world. A smirk tugs at my lips and my steps speed up until I'm walking right beside Dad. Auradon won't know what hit them.


Author's Note: I saw this story's getting a little more reviews and was inspired. Now you know all about Jack's powers, the ups and downs. Next chapter he'll be on his way! 😁 Please vote, comment, and share; that really encourages writing believe it or not! 😉 Thank you!

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