Into The Unknown

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(Elsa's POV)

It has been a month since the eternal winter was cursed in Auradon. Arendelle and Corona are not affected, since we're not a part of Auradon. And both the Governor of Notre Dame and Queen Merida of the Highlands withdrew from Auradon the day after Jack cursed Auradon. The Winter immediately stopped in their kingdoms.

Now Auradon has been asking for aid of all kinds. I do feel sorry for them, but I make sure Arendelle's paid for every load of cargo sent. I don't want to make enemies with Jack. Especially since he has a point. 

Rapunzel and Merida do the same in their interactions with Auradon.

"Your Majesty?" Kai, the castle manservant, broke me out of my thoughts. 

"Yes, Kai?"

"The Royal Family and Fairy Godmother are here to see you."

"Oh? Send them in."

King Beast and Queen Belle came in. They were wearing furry winter clothes. Beast looked stressed and Belle had an anxious troubled expression. 

Fairy Godmother was draped in white furs, shivering. She looked nervous. She had been ever since her wand was stolen. They haven't found it yet. I wonder where, exactly, Jack hid it? And what does he plan to do with it?

King Ben and Lady Mal enter last, arm in arm.

"Welcome, all. What brings you to Arendelle?" I feel stupid asking this. I can guess why.

"We need your help." Mal answers. Her companions nod.

I take a deep breath.

"In what way?"

"You have ice magic." Ben stated. My eyes narrow. Where are they going with this?

"You may be able to lift the Eternal Winter Curse from Auradon." Fairy Godmother continues.

"What?" I gasp. They want me to get involved with their own problems? 

"You're Auradon's only hope." King Beast adds. Everyone looks so hopeful and desperate.

"No." I shake my head.

"What?!" Mal gasps, "Elsa, people's lives are in danger!"

"And whose fault is that?"

"Your Majesty, we had no choice but to create the Isle! It was for the good of Auradon." Fairy Godmother pleaded.

"And now, it seems necessary to bring down the barrier for the good of Auradon." I know I am seeming so cold, but I know that this is a conflict they created and are now paying for it.

"We won't submit to a villain's bullying!" King Beast roared. Belle grasped his arm.

I frown. "There is no we between Arendelle and Auradon. You have made enemies, not I. You have wronged children and their families, not I. You must solve it, not I."

"You think, Jack, isn't going to attack Arendelle after he's finished with Auradon?" Mal looked panicked. "I know how a villain thinks!"

I feel angry at that for some reason. "Maybe, but you don't know Jack."

"And you do!? You haven't met him!"

"Actually, I have. And, even if I hadn't, I know from the recent facts on pre-Auradon History that you wronged so many so-called villains. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am done entertaining guests for today. Kai will show you out."

They leave. 

I need to find Anna and Kristoff. 

They were in the family room, playing charades with Olaf.

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