The Dragon Chief Meets the Beast King

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(Hiccup's POV)

We were gathered at Corona for another war talk. And currently, Celia was making her impatience known.

"We have to get my Daddy out!" Celia's eyes was filled with tears. "We havn't been able to talk since I left for Auradon Prep. Why aren't you taking down the barrier!?"

"Auradon has established an embargo on the Isle." Eugene announced.

"Meaning, they're not shipping their trash to the Isle, so the Isle lost its main food source." Merida crossed her arms.

"They're taking this war out on them." I stand up from where I was sitting. Those cowards!

"What should we do?" Anna, the new Queen of Arendelle asked.

"Should we take down the barrier?" Rapunzel suggested timidly.

"Not like we can't." Mom points out.

"We could, but what then?" I ask. Causing everyone to pause.

"Would they be able to cooperate with what we're doing? They've never had us for leaders. I doubt they'd listen to us. Would they even want to join our fight? They'd have their own agendas."

"But we have to!" Celia wailed.

"And we will." I promised. "After we find a leader they'll obey without question."

"There's Uma." Celia suggested.

"She's still a teen." Mer objected. "Too much responsibility, for someone who only recently began leading. The only other is Maleficent. And she's a lizard."

"Could we change her back?" I ask

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"Could we change her back?" I ask. This may work...

"Possibly." Rapunzel answered, gesturing to her hair.

"Whoa, whoa! Says who she'll actually agree to fight with us?" Eugene stared at us in disbelief. 

Anna stood. "According to Jack's dad and Hades, Maleficent wasn't always evil. She was maimed and tricked by King Stephan Sleeping Beauty's father. He drugged her and burned off her wings."

That's monstrous!

"We could try to return her wings." I declare. "Is it true King Stephan displayed Maleficent's wings as a trophy?" 

Anna nods in confirmation.

"Then we gotta get those back. And we need to kidnap Maleficent, the lizard. Where are they holding her?"

"The Beast's Castle. In Lady Mal's room." Merida answered.

This is gonna be a bit tricky...

"Ok...Merida, I want you and the rest of the Dragon Riders to raid King Stephan and Queen Leah's castle and get Maleficent's wings." 

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