Chapter 1: First Day

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Hi there, I am Aleena Shrivastav. I am 17 and annoying, just for the record. I have brown waist length hair, brown eyes and fair complexion. I have an athletic body. I have always been into sports and gyming. I belong to a middle class family. I can be pretty harsh sometimes. I can be cute sometimes, you know it's like that time of the month thing. Also I love to stay in trouble. I just cannot not oppose tyranny.

I am famous at school and yeah I am bragging, I have represented my school at various competitions state as well as national. Everybody likes me. I have always been among the top 10 students in class. Also I love to dance and twerk. Piano is my favourite instrument. Okay, enough about me.

I took a quick bath and slipped into my school uniform. Today is the first day of my senior school. I am so excited. I hurried downstairs and grabbed a quick breakfast. My mom wished me luck and I left.

This kurta is making me feel so freaking uncomfortable and I feel like
a typical aunty.

"Hey Aleena" My best friend Reva called out.

She grabbed me into one tight hug. I really liked her. She was as messed up as me.

Okay, I can't breathe.

"How do you not look terrible in this thing?" She said looking at me.

"Whatever, where are Sonali and Arya?" I asked. They are my other best friends. We were a group of 4.

"I didn't see them today" She said as we began walking. It was nice she was in my section, both of us had opted for Math.

"Okay, let's head to class" I said.

Both of us took a seat in the middle row. I looked around to see who else was there. I had a great section, this is going to be fun.

Mr. Nathaniel,our math teacher entered the class. The boys in the back hooted.

"I see, you young spoiled piecans. Mr. Khanna meet me in the staff room after class" He smiled and put his books. Strict and smart as always, Mr. Nathaniel was quite famous around here.

We took out seats.

"Okay class, you already know me and I already know about each one of you.  So without any delay, I'd like to introduce you all to a new student.

"Come on in Shaurya".

All heads turned to the door as a stately tall figure walked in, though, his face showed no sign of interest or nervousness. The guy had messed up hair and hazel coloured eyes. You could tell by looking at him that he just woke up and came to school.

"Class, this is Shaurya Tiwari. He has recently shifted....."

"Oh I am sure he has a mouth of his own" A guy from the back commented. Everybody laughed.

"Would you shut up?" I whispered.

"Oh I don't want to waste my energy talking shit. Thanks." The guy said way too coolly.

"Ahem. As I was saying he has recently shifted to this place, from St. Xavier's school. Shaurya, is there something you would like tell about yourself?" He asked him.

"Oh sure, just stay away from me" He said to the class and grabbed the seat adjacent to us. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back.

What an absolute jerk!!

Math class was followed by English where Miss.Ginger(I called her that) basically corrected our pronunciations. I basically slept with my eyes open in the computer class to gather energy for Chemistry and Physics.

"He's so freaking hot. Look at his jawline" Reva said as we packed our bags.

"Reva, Miss.Ginger called you to the staff room" A girl said.

"Wait for me here" She said and made a dash.

I saw Shaurya still packing his things.

"Hell of an introduction back there" I said laughing. The guy took no notice of me. I don't know why but I wasn't used to being ignored. I stepped forward and lend out a hand.

"Hi. I am Aleena" I said smiling. He looked at my hand then me.

"Screw yourself" He picked up his bag and walked away. I stood there for another moment or two, I couldn't process what just happened.


"Seriously? Oh well at least you had a moment with the hottie" Reva said sounding disappointed.

"What does this man think of himself?" I said still annoyed. Reva and I bid farewell as I was picked up and she came on her wretched cycle.

Something kept me wondering about today.

I think senior school is either going to be fun or miserable.

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