『 Teruteru 』

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no question for today ^^

also !! i know that his mom's sickness isn't exactly how i describe it in here because i had to change it up a little to make it fit, sorry!

genre - fluff // a lil angst
request - teruteru x fem! reader
requested by - sstxrspxrkk


"Hm.. What to have for breakfast..?" I thought aloud, searching the pantry.

"Oh! I still have some frozen waffles!" I answered myself.

When I opened the freezer door I saw the package of Eggo waffles.

There were other food items in there as well of course, but I was only focused on looking for the waffles.

I took 2 out of the box and plopped them into the toaster.

Then, I put the box with a few remaking waffles back in the freezer.

"I'll have to make sure I get some more later.. Teruteru would kill me if he found out though."

Teruteru Hanamura.

When many people heard that name, they instantly thought of a gross pervert.

Which, to some extent, he was.

However, he was actually a really good friend and a nice person, but his perversion made most people blind to that.

Teruteru had learned not to hit on me that much throughout our friendship, and let his perverted thoughts about me to himself.

Although, he still did to a certain degree.

It wasn't anything extreme though. At this point they were cheesy pick up lines that I'd laugh at.

That obviously didn't stop him from flirting with basically everyone else in existence.

When Teruteru wasn't flirting or being a pervert he was an up-beat and friendly guy.

Teruteru despised all sorts of packaged foods. He thinks everything should be homemade.

Since he was the Ultimate Cook, it was understandable. And I definitely preferred his homemade food over anything packaged.

But, I was too lazy to constantly make homemade food for myself.

Plus, a lot of packed stuff is really good! Teruteru doesn't know what he's missing out on.

"Hm.. Teruteru.. I should check on him."

Usually one of us would have sent eachother a text by now, but I hadn't received a message from him.

Cooking Mama ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

good morninggg! what did you have for breakfast?

-seen by Cooking Mama( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hm, maybe he was just busy?

That's what I hoped, at least.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by the sound of the toaster going off.

I took a plate out of the cupboard and set it down next to the toaster.

"Alright, let's do this without somehow burning myself.." I mumbled.

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