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this is the first request for my 100k special! i'm not putting that's it a request in the title anymore, because i thought about it and every single oneshot i've ever written has been a request ^^;
also!! in this oneshot monopads have the time on them.

genre - fluff
request - kokichi x fem! shsl tea party holder.
requested by - PastellMeow


I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling extremely sick. Actually, it was extremely early in the morning, around 1am, but that wasn't important.

How could I not feel sick after what I had just witnessed that evening?

When we first got put into this situation, this killing game, there was hope that it was some kind of sick joke, or it was just a horrible hallucination. But after seeing Rantaro's dead body and watching Kaede get executed, everyone knew it was real.

I ran into the bathroom and threw up, the image of Kaede's hung corpse planted into my head.

It was brutal.

I got up from the toilet coughing, and brushed my teeth to get the wretched taste out of my mouth.

'What kind of sick person is behind this? They would have to be twisted to even come up with an execution method like that.. To even come up with this whole killing game idea..' I thought as I rinsed my mouth out, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked frail.

I would need to hide that, since I didn't want anyone to target me thinking I would be easy to kill.

I decided that I should probably get some more sleep. I would end up looking even worse if I didn't.

I woke up that morning to the Monokuma Morning Announcement, groaning as I stretched my arms up in the air.

I had still gotten a decent amount of sleep, despite me getting sick during the night.

I just wanted to sleep all day, but I figured that wouldn't be smart considering what had just happened yesterday. Everyone could think I was dead, and when I found out I was just sleeping they would get angry.

So my best bet was to go to the dining hall.

I went into the bathroom and freshened up a little. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone, so I didn't try that much.

I changed my outfit, but it was still the same one I always wore. It was odd that they gave us a bunch of the same outfit, and not different ones. What I was wearing had been one of my favorite outfits, but I still wished there was something else.

After around 10 minutes, I walked outside of my room, to see a few more people walking out of theirs, most likely making their way to the dining hall too.

As I left the dormitories, I turned back around and saw Shuichi standing outside of his dorm room without his hat, staring at the ground.

'Poor thing.. Kaede meant a lot to him. She meant a lot to all of us, but especially to him,' I thought, sighing as I walked outside.

On the way to breakfast I noticed Tenko walking towards the dining hall. Usually she was full of life, yelling at any guy she saw referring to them as a, 'degenerate male,' but even her perky self wasn't speaking to anyone.

I wondered if everyone else was like that? I felt it on the inside, but tried not to look like it.

I finally got to the dining hall. When I walked in, a lot of people were there.

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