『 Korekiyo 』

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genre- fluff
requested by - @ cherryb1325


Your POV


The sound of the bell erupted into the rather small classroom.

"And don't forget to study for your test next week!" Miss Jackson said as I began to walk out the door.

(I hope you guys get that reference! comment here if you do ;) )

"Miss (L/N), i would like to have a word with you." I turned around to see Miss Jackson talking to me. "Y-Yes Miss Jackson?" I asked her, hoping I wasn't in any trouble. Being in situations like this made me feel very awkward.

"You seem to be not doing very well in this class. This test is worth 60 points, and if you fail it, you will not pass this class." Miss Jackson said to me with a serious tone. I knew I wasn't doing well, but I couldn't risk jeopardizing my future by failing a class. If you go to Hope's Peak Academy you're guaranteed for a good and successful future, so I needed to do this.

"So, I have decided to get my student that is best at history, to come and help you study. He's in my next class so you'll have to wait a minute, I'll write you a pass don't worry." I let out a quiet sigh. I didn't want a tutor! And it's a boy!? I hope it's not someone like that stuck up rich kid!

Hajime walked through the door, but Miss Jackson didn't say anything.

Mondo, Kuwata, and Fujisaki walked through the door, Miss Jackson didn't say anything.

After more boys and a few girls walked in, Miss Jackson motioned one over to her podium. "Korekiyo! Can you come here!" Korekiyo... Korekiyo.. Oh my gosh! Korekiyo is the boy that i found very irritating. The mysterious aura surrounding him was cool, but the fact that he talked so strangely freaked me the hell out! I should have guessed since he is the Ultimate Anthropologist, and anthropology is technically history. (DONT @ ME I'M TRYING MY BEST IN THIS ONESHOT)

Korekiyo walked up to the front of the class. "Is this the student that I will be tutoring?" Korekiyo asked Miss Jackson. "Yes. Korekiyo, this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Korekiyo." She introduced us to one another. "It's nice to meet you. You have so much to learn, kukukuku.." Korekiyo mumbled the last part. I gave a nod and said, "Y-You can come t-to my dorm after classes so we can study.." I told him.

Miss Jackson had a slip waiting for me already, showing why I was late. "Thank you, now hurry to class (Y/N)" I nodded once again and scurried out of the room with my books and headed to Biology.

During bio, I couldn't even pay attention. My mind was everywhere. Luckily, Lunch was next so I could talk to my friends about it.

Bio seemed to drag on for hours, because of how anxious I was to talk to someone about it. I was already extremely shy, and now I have to be tutored by an extremely weird kid, and for who knows how long!!

Soon, the bell rang, so I scurried to my locker and then to the lunchroom. After I got my tray, I sat down at my lunch table, where I sat with Toko, Maki, Shuichi, and Mikan. "So guys, guess what." I began, "You know that weird kid Korekiyo?" I asked.

"I-I think I've s-seen him around.." Mikan said. "S-Sorry I don't know who he is for sure!! F-Forgive me!" Mikan said. "I have a few classes with him, why?" Shuichi then questioned me. "Well, I don't l-like him at all, and he has to tutor me for like a few weeks!" I exclaimed, clearly upset about the matter.

"W-Wow that must b-be a bummer..." Toko said sympathetically. "I could have tutored you of I would have known" Shuichi then told me.

"Did she not give you a choice?" Maki asked, and I nodded in reply. "She didn't ask me to choose anyone, if so I would have chosen one of you guys for sure!" I told her

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