Chapter 1

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Jeongyeon's POV

10 years. It has been 10 years since I've joined JYP, and I should be proud. But I'm not. The whole day, has been trash and busy with schedules like it is everyday. Not that I wanted the whole world to celebrate it but for some reason, today's events made me ask myself if those 10 years were really worth it. Do I like my lifestyle now? Do I have freedom? Can I make my own choices? Usually the answer to those questions is yes, but today it was different. It was a no.

The past few months I've felt trapped. I've felt like I've been someone I never wanted to be. For all I know, it has been like that the whole 10 years of being in this industry, yet I never made the action to change it. Recently I've seen comments by the fans, saying I don't get enough stages, or enough mentions during shows. And now that I think of it, it's true. But I've always believed in sharing the spotlight or not having it at all. I think my much more talented, popular members, deserve the spotlight. I hate being the centre of attention. However that's ironic since I'm in a famous girl group, but again, we're nine members and there are always favourites among the fans.

It took me a very long time, to come to this decision of what I'm about to make. I'm only doing this for my health, mentality and everything else. Am I being selfish? No. Why? Cause if I left, no one would've noticed. Nothing would change. I'm only apparently known for being the cleaner of TWICE, so why would it matter? It was about time, I take a long break. Or maybe a permanent one.

"Jeongyeon, dinner's ready" Jihyo informed.

I was seated on my side of the bed I shared with Momo looking at everything possibly for the last time in a while. I looked up at Jihyo who was standing at the doorway.


I stood up and followed her to the dining room. The others were either in the kitchen or entering the dining room. I was going to bring up the topic that has been on my mind, but everyone looked happy and I didn't want to ruin it. Yet.

Dinner had past by pretty quick, considering everyone was tired. The younger ones, right after finishing dinner went straight to the living room to watch their favorite drama. That left Jihyo and myself cleaning up.


I hummed in response.

"Are you okay?"

I tilted my head to look at Jihyo who was leaning against the kitchen counter, looking at me.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem, different nowadays"

I chuckled.

"Is it a good different or a bad different?"

"I can't tell. But you're not hiding anything from me right?"

"I can't say"

She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"What are you not telling me, Yoo Jeongyeon?"

"You won't be pleased. That's for sure"

"Go ahead. I'm ready for anything"

I glanced back at the living room to see the younger one's still attached to the television. I clenched my jaw and looked down.

"I'm planning to go to JYP tonight, and I'm ending my contract"

I expected an exclamation, or maybe a hit to my arm. Nothing, but a chuckle and her gummy smile.

"That's the funniest joke, you've ever said"

Accident (TWICE) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora