Passing time.

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Yugo pov.
We were too far away to bring her back to the castle so we kept her in her Haven bag and made a comfy bed for her just in case. A couple days have passed everything's been so hard knowing she's hurt and her bag hasn't left me.
We where on to our next destination but once arrived we found the port was sunk. I sighed and zoned out while everyone else talked.

"Yugo...Yugo!" I jotted our of my thoughts and looked towards Amalia. "Come on we know your worried but we need to keep moving we will find a healer soon enough..." I nodded my head and walked forwards.

Finally we made it to an inn and they were having a singing competition I sighed and couldn't help but think how fun it would be to watch y/n sing apparently there was even a voice thief but, I wasn't paying attention.

We sat infront of our feast and dug in I looked at Evangelyne. "Will you watch the bag for a bit?" She nodded her head and I jumped inside.

I walked over to her I laid my head on the side of the bed. "Second time... this is the second time you've tried to go off and die,  the first time you gave your life for the tree of life and me and Adamai's protection and the second... you tried to take your own.

"Brother? Brother?! Why's is Izumi freaking out about y/n's Wakfu? I heard Adamai from within my head.

"Oh Adamai I don't Think she's gonna make it! She hurt herself!" I cried out.

Izumi Pov

Me Qilby and Adamai were all sitting togeather. "Adamai! What did he say!?! She's ok right?!" He looked at me with a pitiful look.

"Yugo says they don't know if she'll make it, she hurt herself pretty badly."  Adamai looked down.

I felt rage boil within me "that jerk she lied to me! She said she freaking stopped!  She! She!... I don't want to lose her Adamai..."  Qilby and Adamai gave me knowing looks before Qilby stood up.

"I have a feeling if Yugo gets into enough Trouble we will be seeing her quite soon. After all she is his protector." I nodded my head and went to our shared bedroom.

"Y/n please... don't leave me."

A couple days time skip.

Me and Adamai raced out to find Grougal had taken yet another hit from a Dragotrukey I grabbed him and held him in our arms.

"Master Adamai our kingdom owes you a lot and will be forever greatly but we have to think of the possibility that, this is not a suitable place to raise a baby dragon." I left and sat on the bench and Adamai followed.

"What do they want us to do Izumi... we scream and yell at him and he laughs at us." I chuckled at his words.

"Well Adamai it's very clear we should never be parents for one." I heard a soft chuckle from behind us.

"That may be true Izumi but we must be on our way it's no longer safe here for our people or the cube it's too important to our people to risk." He paused "and honestly this isn't the place to raise a dragon." We nodded our heads and followed Qilby.

We went to the forest and summoned a portal stepping inside to find ourselves in a weird place.

"Where are we? This place feels fimilliar." Adamai seemed to have the same thought as I did.

"This is our home Adamai, we spent a lot of time here while traveling the Crazmos welcome to the heart of the Zinth." We watched as he put the cube onto its place and the ship lit up.

"Come Adamai, Izumi, there is much to see." He leaded is down the hall into a cool room filled with species light and right. "This planet should have just enough Wakfu to get the ship going."

"This is wrong Qilby we can't destroy the world." Adamai was clearly against it.

"Ad let think clearly this isn't our planet... and our people we can find a new planet with everyone! Think of it!" I tried to reason with him.

"You too izumi?! No this is wrong!" I lowered my head was this wrong?

"Ah Adamai you never change you and Yugo always to stubborn to understand that this is what our future is." He absorbed the cube and his missing arm grew in a blue Wakfu color.

The fight broke out and I clearly could choose a side Qilby was right this is what our people did and Adamai was right too in this planet had people already.

I watched as the fight went on and on as the two Grougal and Adamai started to destroy the species held in the chambers.

"NOOOOOO Do You Know What Your Doing?!" Qilby was mad.

"I'm know I'm saving the world from what is wrong!" Adamai yelled back.

"Well fair enough no more play time." Qilby shrugging his shoulders dealt with Grougal fast. And went onto Adamai.

Yugo pov.
On the ship I was talking to the captains daughter. I was telling her our adventures when a sharp pain ran through my body. "Adamai!" I froze up and went to the top of the ship in the birds nest.

I just wanted to clear my mind. First y/n I can't lose you too Adamai... I starred over into the open sea, nothing changing not even the strange feeling left with me.

"Please be ok..."
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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