On a Adventure!

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I sat from afar and watched as that chaos all went down infront of my eyes and soon enough the group was off to the forbidden forest. I decided to continue to follow them. I snuck around behind them all at this point this boy had me intrigued same powers same hat... except my hat was F/c (if blue ignore that)
I was hidden in a tree when all of a sudden I was face to face with a blue portal and h Th e boy himself.

"Ah!" I screamed and fell on my butt from standing.

"Woah! You look like me!" He pointed around my hat "do you have-"

"Yugo? Everything good up there?" It sounded like a old man.

"Yeah I just... found something." He turned to me and smiled reaching his hand out. I grabbed it and he help me up "I'm Yugo!"

I smiled dusting myself off "I'm Y/n!"

"Nice to meet you Y/n." We both got down through our portals. " you have portals too!" I nodded my head and we both went on and on.

"Uhh Yugo who is this uh young lady?" The old man spoke and I smiled.

"I'm y/n I was watching the weird plant monsters!" The group of three stared my down.

"Us too! Wanna join us?"Yugo said really happily and I agreed happily. 

Then we were off we started to make our way to the big tree when we heard a scream me and the red head were the first to take off. "Whoever it is we gotta save them!"

"Oh course" her replies and we cousin two girls being attacked and we jumped into action as I pulled my scythe outta my haven bag and fought the creatures once.

"Nice moves Y/N I'm sir percedel."

I smiled "nice to meet you Per... Perc... it is ok if I just call you dally?" I sweat dropped I never was good at talking...

"I'm a knight I would like some respect but if you are unable to say it I guess I'll let it pass..." I nodded my head and we finished off the rest of them when the rest of the group caught up.

I zoned out during the explaining of who they were other then the names I focused on the spider I waved at it with a smile hoping my dad would've seen it. Then I sat there 'would he be mad I went off mission?' I decided he wouldn't and I would help Yugo get his father back and then get back into my mission. I sighed and looked at everyone

"Guys if we want to help we really need to get to that huge tree" I pointed in a direction and started walking that way.

I could faintly make out what they were saying behind me. "Yugo I don't know if we can trust her something seems off."

I smiled it was a he old man Ruel. "I don't care if you don't like me." I spun in my foot and meet his eyes. "I wasn't born to impress everyone." I gave them a closed eye smile. And continued forwards.

Yugo pov

I started at her as she continued on her journey. "She's right Ruel lets give her a chance!" I ran after her catching up and walking besides her.

"Hey Yugo, how old are you?" I looked at her confused "never mind forget about it just curious." I nodded my head and continued to walk with her.

I could hear the whispers coming from behind us both I ignored them and it armed y/n did too. I don't know why I felt so happy near her it was like I knew her before we met. We made it too the tree and it started talking and more trees came to life trying to kill us of course everyone jumped into action. The thing grabbed my foot "Augh!"

But just as fast as I was up I was caught by Y/n she held her scythe in one have and held my in the other as she landed on the ground and the tree was missing its limb. I even heard a slight growl from her. "You ok Yugo?" I nodded my head and we finished all the trees off.

But soon the biggest tree cam alive and grabbed princess Amalia and Dally. It ended up droppind him but we found ourselves being surround by the monsters and y/n once again was growling at them once again pulling out her scythe. I didn't know weather to feel safe with her or scared of her.

Soon enough Amalia was talking to the tree and it let us go y/n still seemed on edge though as she was held down by the creatures to be carried back.

"I'm still not ok with this I feel like they are
Tricking us... " they brought to home but out of no where we were all frozen after he freed dad.

"Dad!" All of a sudden Y/n was freed from the spell and engulfing a robot man in the hug.

Y/n pov.
I climbed o to dads back and hugged his neck. Watching what he was about to do. But I saw weird lettering fly into the bakers eyes.

"What did that say!?" I'd never heard father so mad as I got off him

"C/n... where are you!" I grabbed the black cat and back away. "Dad?"

I watched in horror as he threatened them all and before he could do anything else I jumped into him causing his spell to break. "Leave my friends Alone!" Suddenly we were both in our house.

"What are you doing y/n! We were this close to our goal" I held C/n close to me.

"Don't bring me into this! I don't even know what this is! This is your goal!" I put C/n in my Haven bag and took off with my portals.

I will find them again...
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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