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Y/n pov

Once again we were on the go luckily Yugo forgot about me having to ride Adamai by now and I got away with not have too and we had finally made it into the Sadida kingdom. When a Cra army opened fire on us.

"Wait no we are on you side!" Me Yugo and Adamai all dodged the arrows

We finally decided to use our brains the teleport behind the leader and talk to him in person. What could possibly go wrong with this plan. Yugo cleated this throat a couple time trying to get his attention.

"Um excuse me were friend with Ama- princess Amaila could you kindly take us to her." The dude snapped his fingers and a whole bunch of soilders surrounded us.

"Arrest them!" We were taken through the kingdom and into the throne room.

The guards warned the king of our "lies" he walked forwards to us. "Good evening master dragon Yugo, and y/n" he paused for a moment "and baby dragon... how are you?"

I held back a laugh at the confused sounds of the Cra leader behind us checking his sketch then us over and over again. "Adamai is just fine I am only a little dragon after all..." Adamai smiles.

"Ah Amalia has told us many stories of your great adventures." The king smiled.

"Princess Amalia is she near? May we speak with her? What about my friends ruel dally and Eva!" Yugo seemed so happy it hurt my heart a little.

"No sadly not she is in the woods with Evangelyne and the others..." he looked down upset.

No one bothered to pry again at what happened to our other two friends and we went to sleep unfortunately I awoke in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. The dreams keep getting worse... I'm tired of watching them all die over and over again.

C/n crawled out of the haven bag and curled up in my lab as I covered my mouth and let myself sob silently while everyone else slept. Suddenly a knock was heard on my door and I wiped my tears "come in..." Yugo entered the room

"Are you ok?" It's always the same question.

"Don't worry Yugo" and always the same lie "I'm fine!" I force smiled and he nodded.

"I had a night mare I don't think I'm ready for this." I pulled him into a hug.

"Your gonna do amazing Yugo your the hero of this!" I forced a smile

He nodded his head "hey Yugo if you want you can spend the night in here. Bring Adamai if you want it might help with your nightmares." He nodded his head and came back with his brother Adamai got comfy in some blanket.

I pretended to be asleep but soon felt arms wrap around my body and I was pulled to Yugo. I decided to let myself have this who knows what tomorrow will hold for me. I drifted off to sleep. I was once again awoke by the sound of Adamai screaming because of a nightmare.

"Well don't you make a good alarm clock." I sighed and got up from my bed. 

Adamai ran off to warm the king of this dream
While me and Yugo sat in the room planning what to do with C/n Az and Izumi, she had stopped frowning and was a little bigger then a baby. Mad I could still cradle her in my arms she wouldn't grown up fully to my age for at least a month. Finally we left them with Amaila's maid and ran off to find her with Adamai and Yugo.

It took us a while to find them but we did just in the nick of time to save Dally and Eva from a weird looked Sadida dude. "Yugo lazzer him!"

We attacked him and won or at least we thought we did  but the dude had disappeared on us. I watched as Yugo engulfed Amaila in a hug she was blushing... 100% saw it this time. I clutched my clothing above my heart. Why do I feel like this it's not like he was mine anyways...

Adamai walked over to me "y/n we both know it's not what it looks like..." I looked at him shocked.

"You know about how I feel about him dont you..." he nodded his head.

"I also know about your emoti-" he was cut off by the portal opening up and the clock coming outta it. 

I know everyone is thinking about how to deafest him but honestly I just want to be free now I'll protect Yugo at all costs but if I see a way... I might take it...

I made up my mind and wouldn't do anything stupid we have a city to save.
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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