A war?

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Y/n pov.
We all stood on the treehouse and started at the clock "I can't believe they tricked us! It's all over now..." Amaila seemed upset.

Eva climbed up to the roof and got a good look at everything. "It's ok princess they used a diversion to trick us don't feel bad even the king was tricked. "

Dally soon got into a huge speech about how we are hero's and he last line of defense everything had lead up to this moment and I'll say I was starting to believe him. And honestly it was really starting to pump me up.

Just as I was about to chime in a large amount of Wakfu came from the sky and straight into Grougals eggs. Everyone looked at the egg to see the reflection of a baby dragon fade away.

"With Grougal with us we won't lose!" It took us a few more seconds of preparation but we were off charging towards the big out clock that my father built.

As we ran forward we saw something jumped outta the clock 'race time...' I growled but then the puppets showed up. "Great just what we need more of Nox's puppets" Yugo took the words right outta my mouth.

We ran forward "wait we need a plan" Yugo stopped by me and dally kept going and nodded our heads we knew what we were doing now.

"No time Yugo!" Dally was right.

We both ran forwards and he jumped and I teleported besides him we both punched the shield guy sending him flying. "Nice job y/n!" I smiled.

"You too!" We landed with a role on the ground and continued our battle with the other three on the ground. Dally verses the tree guy with Evas help then Yugo and Adamai with the other.

I noticed Amaila was in the tree curled up in a ball "Amaila come on pull yourself together your kingdom needs saving!"

"Those... those wonderful trees are suffering." Suddenly it all made sense she could always feel the same thing the trees could. And now she's overwhelmed with it all.

"I can feel their pain it's unbearable!" She started to scream and I covered my ears until she stopped.

I looked over everyone else. Eva was trapped in some vines by another puppets being squeezed to death Dally was trying to get to her. "Think about your people who need saving! Think about your friends getting hurt!" Eva screamed in pain once more.

"Eva?" Suddenly she stood up and her skin grew darker and eyes paled to white.

I stepped back as she landed on the ground and vines erupted from the ground smashing and killing the last three puppets. I calmed down but as soon as I did purple explosions started going off and Amalia once again protected us all by creating vines to hide us within.

"Those are pure Stasis bombs Yugo extremely deadly! It's surprising that Amalia can protect us from them..." I nodded my head in agreement.

Suddenly she fell to the ground knocked out cold and the vines retreated back into the ground from which they came. Revealing the forest was destroyed. And a monster showed its self.

"Race time!" I charged forwards only to be grabbed by the thing and tossed into towards the clock. I was getting ready to make a portal to stop myself when the spiders made a portal and I was in front of my dad once more.

Yugo pov
I watch in horror as it threw y/n into a portal. "Ad!" Adamai ran forwards but was shot down by the creature.

"Adamai!" I ran forward besides him and held him.

He started to form another attack when he jumped over me and Adamai and started to attack them when Dally stepped in and started blocking the attacks with his swords.

I watched as Dally went in his demons form to fend off the robot. "Even in his Demon form his not strong enough... we have to use the power of the dofus"

"No if we want to stand even a little chance against nox we have to save it!" Adamai shot up."

"What?!" I was confused at his outburst.

" the the clock it's moving!" I looked at it scared

"What already?!" Adamai looked at me as I spoke.

"No its a good thing we can use the chaos to get inside of the clock and destroy inside out." I looked back at dally then followed Adamai inside the clock.

"We need to find y/n while we are at it too!" We were flying through the clock and I we landed.

I couldn't feel his Wakfu... I fell to the ground crying "his Wakfu I since a void..." I was upset.

"Yes his Wakfu has left the world I'm sorry..." Adamai spoke back. In a blind rage I continued forwards faster.
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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