Kriss Krass?

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Y/n pov.
We entered the Zapp portal and Izumi Adamai and Qilby all followed.

"Are you sure you'll be ok Qilby?" I asked him as C/n circled his feet. "You've helped me so much these past few weeks if you ever need something just ask ok?"

He smiled and chuckled patting my head "I'll be quite all right y/n this old ruler can take care of himself."

I nodded my head. "Yugo I really would like to go with you guys don't leave me with Grougal again..." I sighed and walked up to my sister ignoring the conversation between Yugo and Adamai.

"Sister I have a bad feeling..." she looked at me concerned. "You haven't slept well and well..." she looked down at my arms "do they know you... do bad things to yourself sister?" Izumi whispered into my ear.

I smiled and shook my head no "I told you before I get hurt from battles Izumi nothing more. I'll be fine." I joined the other and we were off.

We made it to the top of the mountain and I tore a big piece of bark off the tree big enough to fit us all. "Get on we are going sledding!" I jumped on causing it to start to go as Everton rushed on as well.

Dally was yelling about how awesome it was until it cause an Avalanche to follow us. "Alright bracmar is the fastest way right Ruel!" I screamed as we sped down the moutain.

"No it's the city of Sin we will all die there!" Amaila cried out.

"It's the fastest way plus Kriss Krass lives there so I'm in!" Yugo yelled

"It's the fastes way!" Ruel yelled.

"It's decided we are goin to Bracmar!" Dally three a crystal into the air and Eva shot it into the Zapp portal.

"Brace for impact!" I yelled as we hit a bump sending us flying into the air and into the Zapp portal when I raised my head from the Pile of snow I found a line infront of a ticket booth.

"What's this?" Yugo asked.

"A toll Booth you have to pay to get just like everything else down here." Ruel grumbled.

We got in line and I stood next to Yugo when I felt him grab hold of my hand and entwines our fingers I looked over at his blushing face and smiled. He was so incredibly shy and innocent sometimes it was a bit much for me.!

We finally made it to the front of the line and Ruel talked Amaila into paying the tool and we got on a weird cart thingy. We kept going up until we can to a straight drop then would turn into a roller coaster. I smiled and held on as everyone screamed I laughed.

"This. Is. So.!!!" I yelled and we soon reached the bottom. I noticed I was the only one standing as everyone else got up I felt Yugo grab my hand again and I heard a slight growl from Amaila and I ignored it.

"So how are we going to find Kriss Krass?" I looked towards Yugo.

"I've been meaning to ask-" ruel cut me off.

"I know a place." I looked at Yugo slightly annoyed and he sighed.

"Who's Kirss Krass." I finished

"He's and awesome Gobbowl player!!!" Yugo seemed to be Fangirlibg over a dude and I laughed. "What's so funny y/n?" He tilted his head.

"It's just, you look so cute when you get that excited!" His face erupted in shades of red. And I laughed some more. "Awe your fine yugo."

We finally entered a bar and Ruel asked for information about Kriss Krass which in end turned out to be a bar fight not that I'm complaining it was quite fun. We ended up running into the owner of this fine establishment and paid for more information and got what we needed.

"It'll be the game of his life I can't wait!" Yugo seemed so excited and we entered the stadium I sat next to Yugo as we watched the trial I leaned over to him.

"Hey Yugo is this Gobbowl?" I was confused cause it didn't seem like it.

"They said it would be the game of his life? This is a trial!" I got the hint that this was not Gobbwal

"It's was Bracmarin Humor Yugo..." I watched as the trial went on and even though I hadn't met this man I clearly knew something was wrong finally Yugo jumped down there and started defending him.

"He a great player! And at least he's not as bad as you!" He pointed at the masked Gobbowler and everyone gasped. I didn't know much about Gobbowl but it seemed he was no ok to be messed with.

A new guy jumped down a " folks you all know me and I'm here to say Bracmar has been challenged it would bad everyone look so bad if they were to decline. Cause it's no longer Kriss on trial Bur Bracmaren Gobbowl to see which it better!" I sighed this is not going to end well is it?

The masked Gobbowler stood up and accepted our challenge and then we were off to go find another player cause girls apparently can't which is slightly annoying we chased around people for what felt like hours before common to the conclusion that we could cheat. We raced down to seller and bought two of the potions.

I just threw on a mask and a voice changer and his my hair in the bottom of my hat.We raced over to the stadium making it just in time to meet with Kriss Krass but we froze before we made it that far.

Wait y/n you clothing." I sighed removing the dress from my body I watched the boy all look away.

"What?" I looked at Evangelyne.

"Well aren't you brave? Smart choice." She smiled.

I looked down at my shorts and sports bra I wore underneath my dress it showed off my cuts and I quickly reached into my bag wrapping cloth around my arms and feet. And we kept running.

"Y/n, are you sure you wanna go out in that? I mean you don't look like a girl but..." I noticed how bad Yugo was blushing and shoved it off.

"No choice let's go!" I never realized how got I looked until now when I saw I was rocking abs and had a bit of muscle showing.

"You guys got new people." Kriss seemed amazed.

"Well duh girls aren't aloud to play." Amaila spoke.

He froze realizing what was goin on and he looked at me. "Who's the new dude" I chuckled.

"The names Zane." I spoke with confidence as we walked out into the light of everyone.
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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