Chapter 14- Where Am I?

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Chapter 14- Where Am I?

Bailey's POV

My head throbbed as I sat up wincing in pain. How had I survived that plane crash? All I had remembered was a young boy, by the name of Derrek pulling me to safety on a boat. His accent wasn't like the people from South Africas'. He was most deafinately European. Though most South Africans were, he was surely raised in Europe.

As I was arguing with myself back and forth I hadn't taken notice to the woman who had entered my room, a nervous expression crossing her features, as she set down a cup of water on my bedside, her hands trembled. I studied her features, she looked slightly older than me, maybe about twenty or twenty-one.

"Um... Excuse me... Where am I?" I asked. She turned around her eyes wide with fear.

"Eu-Europe," She stuttered. I smiled thankfully but after she had exited the room, I sighed. Europe?

How did I end up here? I looked for a window in the room, but it seemed as if I was caged in, no light streamed in through the windows. I planted my feet firmly on the ground, but the second I stood up I winced in pain at the shocking sensation shot up my legs.

I sat back down on my bed and hunted for  buzzer so I could call a nurse. What kind of hospital doesn't have windows? There was no button in sight so I sighed and then took a deep breath.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, which didn't necessarily help the situation of my head, which throbbed even more when I finished screaming. The door slowly opened revealing the boy, Derrek, who had saved me.

"Derrek?" I asked, a smile creeping onto my features. 

He frowned, coming closer to me, I noticed that the cut that used to go across his cheekbone had faded into a white scar, barely noticable. "Wait? How did you heal so fast?" I asked.

"What do mean?" He asked, his voice sounded much deeper than it had before and now that I had studied him, I noticed that he had grown slightly taller, he didn't look like the eighteen year old I knew. He looked years older actually.

"The cut. After the plane crashed you had a large cut on your face, how did it heal so fast?" I asked. He sighed, his frown becoming lower and lower.

"Bailey, do you not remember?" He asked.

"Remember what?" I asked.

"I'm twenty-one, you are twenty-one, the plane crashed three years ago, you lived in SOuth Africa for three years," He said.

I busted into laughter and he held his expression, I waited for him to laugh also but he mad no move to do so. I blinked and stopped laughing. "This is a joke, right?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"But--But. What about Laurie, Jackie, and Francesca?" I asked. If I have been in South Africa, then where would they have been all of this time?

"Um..." He looked down at the floor, guilt flooding his face.

"Derrek?" I asked as he advanced towards me, holding a cloth. I began to get worried as I realized he was getting closer and closer to me.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I never knew," He said, pressing the cloth to my face. I screamed but the more I breathed in, the more tired I felt, and suddenly in my third breath my eyes closed.

Derrek's POV

I hadn't wanted to do it, but what choice did I have? Rebel against Sampson and get us both killed or follow Sampson's orders and keep us both alive. She fell into the pillows as I spoke my apology. The look on her face was of pure horror as I held the drugged cloth to her mouth and nose.

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