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Girls and guys chattering by the hall...

Besties giving each other the latest gist updates...

Smiles on nearly everyone's face...

Even Mr. Grumpy the math teacher has something like a smile on his face...

Everyone's social....

Everyone's smiling....

Everyone except me...

At the right corner, between the janitors closet and a random locker is me hiding in the shadows ..unknown. It's not like coming into the open will make any difference though, 'cause I still won't be noticed .

I'm not really a smart head or some social party animal...I'm just there , average but somehow below sum it all up I'm a loner that gets bullied not like the bullies even know my name, they just call me any random name that enters their heads.

You might wonder how I got into such lonely and isolated life and I'm willing to tell you if you in turn are ready to listen however that will just take us down the long bumpy road of my life


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