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A woman who looked to be in her late fifties was revealed to them. She was wearing an apron covered in flour. As she caught sight of Taehyung, her eyes filled with tears.

"Tae-bear! My sweet boy come here." The two embraced each other as the woman sobbed into her son's chest.

"It's been so long! I couldn't wait for you to come home!" She pulled away from the hug to take a good look at him. 

"Have you been eating properly?" She asked with a frown on her face. Taehyung chuckled at the question, a fond smile harboring his lips.

"Yes, mom. Don't worry." She invited them inside and Taehyung took the chance to look around his childhood home. 

"Where is dad?" Taehyung's mom dusted her apron a bit as she answered.

"He's working at the moment. But he shouldn't be too long now." When she lifted her head again she finally noticed the boy standing in retreat behind her son.

"And who might you be?" She had a fair idea but still waited for confirmation. Jungkook sent her a shy smile as he bowed.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook ma'm. Taehyung's boyfriend." A playful glint appeared in her eyes. She turned to her son.

"I assume he is staying for the holidays?" Taehyung nodded. His mom faked a sigh.

"I don't know Tae-bear, you should've warned before hand. I don't think that he can stay." Knowing his mother, Taehyung was pretty sure she was only joking. On the other hand, Jungkook took it to heart. He tried to hide his deception with a smile.

"Oh it's okay. I'll take the train back to Seoul. I'm sorry to have bothered you." He once again bowed and the woman felt a little guilty.

"I was only playing with you Jungkook. Of course you can stay, and I can't wait to get to know the man who stole my son's heart." Jungkook felt quite relieved since he thought he would have to spend Christmas alone.

"I'm Eun Jae by the way, Taehyung's mother." She came forward to give Jungkook a warm, welcoming hug, and the latter found himself relaxing in her arms. After a moment she pulled away and clasped her hands together with a beaming smile.

"Alright, would you boys mind helping me prepare supper?"

Eun Jae, it turns out, was a really charming woman. She always wore a smile on her face as she worked on the pan while Taehyung and Jungkook were cutting vegetables. She told some stories of Taehyung as a child which were quite hilarious. As for Taehyung, let's just say he was really embarrassed. 

At about seven o'clock, the front door opened to reveal a man carrying a briefcase. He put it down on the floor and removed his jacket before he turned to see his wife, his son and an unknown man preparing supper. 

His wife went up to greet him as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. 

"How was work honey?" He smiled warmly at her. 

"It went great." His eyes drifted to his boy, who looked so much like him. Without a single word, father and son walked up to each other and embraced each other. It had been almost a year since Taehyung had seen his family, so their reunion was emotional for the both of them. Eun Jae watch the scene with tears brimming in her eyes. Jaehyun, Taehyung's father, grabbed his son's shoulders as he took a deep breath.

"I missed you son." Taehyung smiled. 

"I missed you too dad."

When the table was set, everyone sat down to eat. Taehyung and Jungkook sat on one side of the table while Taehyung's parents sat on the opposite. As they began to dig in, Jaehyun began to question Jungkook. 

"So Jungkook, what are you doing in life?" The latter took the time to swallow his food before answering.

"Oh I'm currently in University." The older man nodded. 

"And what are you studying in?" Jungkook cleared his throat.

"I want to be a lawyer." Jaehyung frowned when he saw Jungkook looking away. 

"You don't sound really convinced." The man took another bite while Jungkook scratched the back of his neck. He looked at Taehyung who put a hand on his thigh underneath the table.

"Actually, my parents wanted me to study law." Jaehyung hummed as he chewed.

"And what do you want to do?" Taehyung's dad was watching him intently, curious about his answer.

"I wanted to be a photographer." The man chuckled sightly as he dabbed his mouth with a napkin. 

"Wanted? You have your whole future in front of you. Don't let your parents make that choice for you, because they aren't the ones who are going to live with it." Eun Jae noticed Jungkook looked uncomfortable and spoke up.

"Anyways, how did you two meet?" Taehyung sent her a grateful smile.

"We actually only started off as roommates. We lived with each other for about a year before we started to grow feelings for one another." Taehyung then look at his boyfriend a grabbed his hand, kissing the top of it softly. The older looked at them with a fond expression, reminiscing old memories of the early days of their relationship.

The four of them cleaned up the dishes after they were done, making light chatter. Jungkook was observing the family's dynamic as they laughed and joked around, wishing he could have this with his own parents.

The young couple headed to Taehyung's room, which had never been changed since he was a teenager. When they had both done their night routine, they laid down on the small bed. Jungkook cuddled into Taehyung's side, one of his arms wrapped around his boyfriend's waist while the latter held him close. 

They both stayed silent for a while, basking into each other's presence. Then Jungkook's soft voice broke the peaceful atmosphere.

"Tae?" The older hummed as he pecked his cheek.

"I really like your parents." Taehyung smiled, his eyes looking at the ceiling above him. 

"I'm glad you do baby."

I hope you enjoyed this update sweeties. I also wanted to tell you that everything's going to be okay, and that in a couple of months things are going to go back to normal. I know these are though times and you are probably worried about members of your family or even yourself. But we'll make it through together. 

As always, vote or comment your opinion ;)


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