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A day earlier...

With his round glasses almost falling off the bridge of his nose, Taehyung was typing away on his silver MacBook with his chocolate eyes glued to the screen. 

The young man was working in the fashion industry, creating designs for small companies for the moment and hoping to upgrade further this year. Still, you could say he was a genius in this branch, having a fine taste for clothes since he was a teenager.

His phone ringing on the desk he was working on stirred him out of his zone, and he broke eye contact with his computer to look at the smaller screen of the device. He raised an eyebrow at the caller ID but still answered the call, pressing the phone on his ear.

"Hey hyung, since when do you call?" The grumpy man on the other side of the line scoffed.

"It's nice to speak to you too, Tae. I was wondering if you could babysit Jimin for five days. I need to go to Daegu to meet a producer." Taehyung chuckled.

"I knew you wouldn't call me without a reason, Yoongi hyung." 

"Alright, alright," The older man muttered inaudible things under his breath, "So, is it a yes or a no? I don't have all day." Taehyung smiled at his hyung's attitude.

"You know how much I love little Jimin, it'll be my pleasure." The younger could already imagine Jimin running around in his cute onesie, begging for him to play. After all, it was no secret that Taehyung loved kids, big or small.

"Okay, I'll drop him by this evening." Taehyung decided to tease him.

"Aren't you forgetting something hyung?" It was silent on the other line. "What?"

"Well, a thank you would be nice." He heard Yoongi grumble before he hung up on Taehyung, making the latter laugh. Taehyung laid his phone back the desk before he focused back on his work.

Since he was young, Taehyung always cared a lot for those around him. Not hesitating to wake up in the middle of the night to comfort a friend or helping an elderly carrying their groceries. It was not a surprise when he announced to his parents one day that he wanted to adopt lots of kids in the future, since he was gay, even if it meant running low on money.

It was only when he met Jimin, one of his best friends, at university that he learned about littlespace. Taehyung found him with a pacifier in his mouth when he had decided to pay the older boy a visit. 

Luckily for Jimin, Taehyung would do anything for his loved ones and he sat silently that evening, listening to him explain everything. Since then, Taehyung had sort of became his caregiver, quickly learning tips on how to care for him. A year later, Yoongi came into the picture and took the caregiver role, happy to look after his adorable boyfriend.

Even if he babysat Jimin quite often because of Yoongi's job, Taehyung always wished he had a little of his own. Ever since he learned about littlespace, he had fell in love with the lifestyle. Unfortunately, and as much as he tried, he hadn't found a little to take care of yet. 

One o'clock in the afternoon quickly changed to six, and soon enough the doorbell rang into the quiet apartment. Taehyung raised from the couch and made his way towards the sound. A smiling Jimin and a tired looking Yoongi appeared behind the door. 

"TaeTae!!" Jimin screamed before he engulfed Taehyung in a warm hug, almost knocking the wind out of him. 

"Jimin, baby, what did I say about screaming hmm?" Yoongi said, passing the two hugging men and deposing Jimin's sparkly bag beside the couch along with a suitcase. Jimin detached himself from his best friend and latched onto Yoongi, his lips forming an adorable pout as he made puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry Daddy." He kissed his boyfriend on the cheek before he rushed to open his bag that contained some toys, coloring books and his favorite plushie, Chimmy. Yoongi watched Jimin with a fond expression for a short while and turned back to Taehyung, who was smirking.

"What?!" The older asked, aggravated. Taehyung chuckled.

"You're totally whipped, hyung." Surprisingly, Yoongi only smiled and glanced back to his boyfriend, who was talking to his stuffie.

"Yeah, has been since the first time I met him." He agreed. 

After giving Taehyung some updates and informing him of Jimin's habits, which Taehyung already knew, he finally left the apartment. The goodbyes had been quite difficult since Jimin wouldn't let his daddy go, letting the waterworks run freely on his chubby cheeks as he begged him to stay. Eventually though, after a lot of convincing and promises, Yoongi had planted a final kiss on Jimin's plump lips before he left.

The little looked down on the floor, still sad upon his daddy's departure, occasional sniffles heard from him. Taehyung didn't waste any more time and sat in front of him with his leg crossed. 

"Hey baby, do you wanna watch a movie? I know you love watching 'Spirits'" Jimin whipped the snot coming from his nose with the sleeve of his shirt and looked up to him, his Doe eyes making an appearance.

"S-Spirits? With the hwoses?" Taehyung nodded while humming. 

"And I'll allow you to eat some candies." Jimin gasped and immediately jumped onto his feet, almost losing his balance and climbing on the couch. Taehyung knew giving him candies at 7 o'clock in the evening was probably a bad idea, but to be fair, he just wanted to cheer the little up.

"Quickly TaeTae!! The h-hwoses are waitin'!!" Jimin was moving restlessly on the couch with Chimmy held securely in his arms.

"Don't worry Minnie, I'm coming! And no screaming!" Taehyung said from the kitchen, searching for the hidden sweets in the wooden cabinets. He returned five minutes later with the snacks, two boxes of juice and a large, fluffy blanket.

Half an hour later, Jimin was cuddled to Taehyung's side, both enveloped in the warm fabric with their eyes glued to the TV. Even though Taehyung wasn't in a younger mindset like his best friend, he had a soft spot for animation movies, those being his favorite genre. 

Although Jimin had eaten quite a lot of sweets, Taehyung wasn't surprised to hear soft snores coming from him when the movie was almost ending. Yoongi had mentioned to him before he left that the little hadn't had his nap earlier in the day. 

When the generics rolled down the screen, Taehyung let out a loud yawn and after discarding the blanket on the other side of the couch, he gently lifted Jimin into his arms. With some difficulty, he managed to carry the asleep little into the guest room, just in front of his. 

Taehyung removed Jimin's clothes without waking him up, but dressing into his night clothes was another thing, as Jimin sometimes whined in his sleep, making the latter stopped all his movements, only to proceed once the coast was clear.

A few moments later, Jimin was tucked into bed with Chimmy in his arms his mouth slightly open. Taehyung didn't want to wake him up only to make him brush his teeth, and he knew Jimin had went to the toilet earlier during the movie.

After checking the door was locked, turning the TV off and brushing his teeth, Taehyung finally climbed into bed after the long day he had. He grabbed his phone on the bedside table, checking the time. 9:35.

Right now, Jungkook was probably studying at his favorite café for his upcoming exams, hence  why he wasn't home yet.

With his own steady breathing luring him to sleep, it didn't take long for Taehyung to reach Dreamland, his worries slowly drifting away for the night.

Here's the second chapter of my new book! I hope you like it! I'm sorry if the dialogue seems a bit off at times, because I'm really an antisocial person (Social anxiety who tis?) and Conversations aren't really my thing. Anyhow, don't forget to vote or comment your opinion ;) Have a nice week, lovelies!!


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