Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Carry on.

We were finally at the witch's house. I've never met a witch before. This ought to be interesting... wait a minute. I smell a... vampire? Huh, that's really weird. But hey, who am I to judge.

"Hello there," said a girl who walked out of the house.

 "I'm Ruby, it's nice to meet you queen. My husband saw you coming. He went out to get some... supplies," Ruby said with a warm smile.

"Well, hello. You and your husband are welcomed to come. We don't mind. No need to be shy." I said equally warm.

I already read her thoughts, and she tried to hide it. She was a little embarrassed now, but quickly recovered.

"Thank you very much. And I guess you already know what happened, but maybe your friends would like to hear our story." Ruby said questioning the werewolf's and Alice.

They shook their heads.

"Come on in, don't be shy! Our home is your home. I would also like you to meet the witch's. They've also agreed to give blood, and would like to come as well."

 We all smiled. We walked in the brightly lit house. You would've thought the house would be full of spider webs, spiders, black cats, potions, and magic books. But it wasn't. It looked like humans lived here... in fact. It smelt like there were once humans here. Maybe...oh.

"As you may have already known, I had a human daughter. You can smell her. I don't know how I had a human daughter or even a child at all. But I did. And they... took her. And they will PAY for taking her..." Ruby started to explain but got off track.

"It's okay Ruby, they took my husband. I know what it's like to loose someone you love so much..." a pain throbbed in my heart.

 But I continued to keep a straight face. Not making the mistake that Ruby did by showing her emotions. I tried to take my mind off of ...him... by looking at everyone and naming characteristics. Like Ruby, she had blonde hair, about shoulder length. She had dazzling blue eyes that seemed to always sparkle. Her smile didn't seem...real. She was trying. But she just couldn't hide it from me. Ruby was wearing a lightly colored pink dress that went down to her knees. She was very beautiful.

"Elena, ELENA!" Alice said trying to catch my attention.

"Um, yes Alice?"

 "It's time" she said.

We walked up the stairs to the witch's for the blood.

"Hello there darlings" One of the witch's said.

We all smiled at her. She was old, and looked some what fragile. But I knew that she was the second most powerful witch. Her mother, who was beside her, was the first. She seemed even older, than the woman on the side of her.

"Come. We must make this quick, we don't have much time left," said the oldest witch.

They sat, and tilted their necks. Alice and I walked forward and bit their necks ever so slightly, afraid of breaking their small, frail necks. Magic surged through us like a rocket. It was such a powerful burst that Alice gasped. I've felt this power before... it didn't shock me as much. The witch's got up and left, without a word, or warning that they were leaving. I looked around the room. Some how, I knew they left something there. I don't know how, but there was just something wrong. I knew I had to look for it. Jaden, Erik, and Jeff all left. But Alice and I stayed behind. We were looking for something and we didn't even know what we were looking for. Then I found it, I knew it was it! It had to be!

"Alice! Alice!" I said, excitedly.

 "I found it!" I said in a whisper.

She scurried over to see what it was. It was a book of magic, but for a... vampire? The cover read Magic for Vampires. Alice and I looked at it questioningly. Suddenly we heard someone coming up the stairs and we hid the book behind our back. The foot steps stopped half way up the stairs.

"Alice? Elena? We're going to leave with out you if you don't hurry up!" It was Jaden.

 "COMING!" I said loudly.

 Alice and I glanced at each other once, and then ran down the stairs to join everyone.

"Where do we go from here?" asked Alice.

 "Well, I guess we go and find everyone. I think we've got everything." I replied.

 It was a long car ride home, even though we were only a few hours away. Alice and I talked back and forth in our heads. I opened the book and started reading, as I did I sent it all to her at the same time. I've got to try some of this stuff.... Eh, why not! Let's try it now.

"Exspalis!" I whispered over and over.

 Then suddenly, Erik's drink was flying in the air. Alice smiled, I smiled. But Erik didn't look too happy. Alice and I laughed. It was like Star Wars. I felt like Dark Vader.

"Can you now put down my cup? Thank you very much!" Erik said sarcastically.

I placed his cup down. Then suddenly all eyes on me and the realization started to come to Erik's eyes.

"How'd you just do that!?" Jaden asked.

"I... found a book of magic for vampires. It's actually quiet interesting. So yeah, I've been reading it. And I just tested it, what do ya' know? It works. Cool." I said with any shock in my voice.

I could hear the witch's and the two vampires in the car behind us. Their voices vaguely registered in my head. They were talking about tactics, and how to keep the witch's safe first.
"WAIT!" I said suddenly.

"What???" Alice asked.

"Don't go visit the demons!" I said with my eyes wide.

"Why?" Alice asked puzzled.

"Because they're bad, they're working for the newbie vamps. We can't go to them at all. Alice, call Ruby and her husband and tell her we're going home. We've got 32 hours before the vampires start to change the humans. And I know this because Zack sent me a message... with the last of... his power." I ended in a whisper.

"Right on it." Alice said trying to change the subject.

"Hello? Ruby, we're going to Elena and um.... Yeah. So we're not going to the Demon's. Elena said their bad. They are working for the Newbie vamps. We're going to rest up for a while, and then we'll go. We've got 32 hours before....." Alice's voice was in the back of my mind as she talked to Ruby.

Oh. Zack, I miss you so much. I can't stop thinking about him. He's been away for 2 days too long. My heart seems to break more every minute he's away. I'm so use to having him there with me just about ever second of the day. As I spaced out, it didn't seem long. But in reality, I had been day dreaming for about an hour. I got out of the car zombie like, and started for the house. When suddenly, a ring of fire sprung up from the ground. There was a message that was written on the burning ground. But I was the only one to notice it. I was last one in the house, so it was only me. The message read: "Elena, you must hurry. Your attack must be tonight. - Vamp Queen."

How stupid did they think I was? I was no ordinary fool! This was not from the vampire queen! She wood never use fire, she'd use light, and she would never sign it as "Vamp Queen" because, she is no longer the Queen. And she always called me her daughter.  I walked through the flames without even feeling a tiny bit of pain. If any normal vampire walked through they flame, they would flinch away from the pain. But once again, I was no normal Vampire. Someone was trying to mess with me, and confuse me, but they didn't know who they were messing with...

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