Runaway Bride Chpt. 8

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Chapter 8: It begins.

Wow, this night club is AMAZING! I sent mentally to Alice. She said to me in her head, "I know, I haven't been in here for a while. It's definitely upgraded... LOOK IT'S HIM! What is he thinking?" "I'll tell you after! But I definitely know he still likes you! Wait... He's really in LOVE with you!!" "H-h-hi Alice" the werewolf said. "Hey Erik." Alice said looking down at her shoes. I am so sick of this already! They're both in love with each other! "Okay listen up, you both still love each other! For a goddesses sake! Just go out again. I already know your going to get married. I've seen it in the future. And I wouldn't doubt my instincts. Yes Erik, you guessed it right." I finally said. They looked at each other, than at me. "Thank you." Alice said telepathically. I smiled and said and said out loud, "Someone had to say it sooner or later!" We were all smiling at each other and laughing. But, someone had to break the mood and that was Alice. Alice said, "We need the werewolf donor where can we find him?" "He's in there, I'll show you." Erik said. "What do you WANNNTT?" said the voice; it was more of a growl. Alice smiled, so did I. Erik looked scared though, but soon tried to look brave in front of Alice. Alice went right into the darkened room and hugged the giant beast that was sitting in the dark. "Hey Jack!" Alice said happily. "Oh, hey Alice I haven't seen ya' in a long time! Where've you been?" Jack said enthusiastically. "Oh, yeah know just hanging out getting kidnapped by other vampires, seeing my friend again after 7 years and finding out she's the Queen of Vampires. Same old, same old." Alice said. Then Jack looked shocked, but then his face smoothes into a smile. "You would have such an exotic life, wouldn't you?" "Ha, you know it! I'm so proud of myself!" Alice said with a smirk. "And I'm guessing you need some blood... OH! Hi! Completely forgot you were standing there." Jack said apologetically. I smiled and said "Well, hello to you too. And thanks for doing this; I need to be as strong as possible to get my husband back." "These newbie's again? I heard they've got some older vampires now too. And bad ones, they're almost undefeatable. Maybe you should get some werewolf's to come along. I know Jack wouldn't mind going, and I can get Jeff and Jaden to come along with you. I know they won't care. I would come, but my little girl is graduating from pre-school. And I wouldn't miss it for the world." Jack explained to us. "Okay, good. Now if you don't mind, can I take a bite?" I asked jokingly. Jack smiled nodded his head once, and then titled his head to the side. Don't worry; he was in human form so I wouldn't get a fur ball in my mouth. "This blood was so delicious." I sent telepathically to Alice while she was actually drinking Erik's blood and I was drinking Jack's. "I know, especially Erik's, he's hot with a good tasting blood got to love it. Best kind of werewolf out there. The witches' taste even better than the werewolf's just you wait!" Alice said. Then Alice said "Okay, all set big guy. Thanks Jack, thanks a ton to you too Erik." "Let us go get some witches blood." I said. "I need to go check something with Jeff and Jaden. I'll meet you in the car." I said.  "Oh, okay Elena." Alice said. I already know what they want to do. Why not let them enjoy themselves a few minutes? "Have fun" I said mentally, and laughed out loud. The other two werewolves's looked at me and I rolled my eyes pointing to Erik and Alice holding hands. They caught on quickly. So two werewolves, and me. (Who would've thought?) We were outside and we started walking toward the woods and I randomly asked, "Do you guys have to buy a lot of clothes, or do you just streak through the woods?" I smiled at them as I spoke. "Yes we do have to buy a lot of clothes. But then you get use to being naked when you turn into a werewolf and then back to human form." Jeff said laughing. "So I'm guessing Erik is going to want to be near Alice when he transforms?" said Jaden, and he winked at me. We all started to laugh. "You know, you're pretty brave. If someone stole my wife, I don't know if I would just do it with a couple or werewolves 2 vampires. But then again, witched are pushovers." Jeff said with a laugh. "That would be cool if we got some witches it would be like an army of creatures that come from the night." I said day dreaming about Zack while talking about something else. "I could maybe hook your up with some demons?" Jaden said. "Really? That'd be great! I can call my daughters and sons of the night." I replied excitedly. "There's no way their going to get him, well.... They already did that. But, they're never going to...kill him. If they do, they'll all be dead with no mercy. They've already committed two crimes. If Zack and any other hostages are turned back to us, alive and with nothing done to them, I will have mercy on them." I said like venom. Then I got a telepathic message. "They have humans as well. They're going to try and create a bigger army. They have to be destroyed; they've been planning on changing them at midnight tomorrow. You've got to get to them before anything can happen. I miss you so much Elena. Be safe and I love you." It was Zack. He must have used the last of his powers to say "I love you." I sent a message with heeling power in one big blast. "I love you Zack, and if they hurt you, I will rip them to pieces." I know the werewolves felt it. I heard them gasp with the power that went surging through their bodies. I heard Alice and Erik in the car feel it too. I didn't no I was so... powerful. I guess the emotion I'm feeling is how much power I can have. It's just a tie of all different things that amount to the power I feel. Enough about this, we've got get some witches blood. "Ha, I think we can walk back to the car now." I said trying to act like nothing happened at all. Jaden mumbled, "Oh, yeah. Okay." I heard his voice in his head. I was reading his mind involuntarily. By now, I've got a gigantic smile on my face. Both Jaden & Jeff thought in their minds, "Remember not to get her mad!" And they were right to right to remind themselves of that. It would be a really, really bad idea to do that. But, their my new friends, and I know this by how they feel when their around me. Jaden's, Erik's, and Jeff's emotion just bouncing off of them it's quiet extraordinary, really. Sometimes the emotion is so strong that is makes you feel the emotion as well. The only person that ever really made me feel the way they did was... I shove the cry back down my throat. "I know you miss him Elena. But it'll be okay. Because we're going to get him back, and kick some vampire butt baby!" Alice said trying to be inspiration in her own special way. I know we haven't seen each other in so long, but she's still the one I feel so close to. It's just an amazing feeling to have someone be there for you all the time. "Come on Al; let's go get some witch blood!" It wasn't a long ride. It took about 2 hours to get there. We went in Erik's nice, beautiful, red hummer. Wow, let me tell you; it wasn't just beautiful on the outside. The inside was even better. I packed my diary... I just remembered it. I haven't really written in it since I was 16 years old. Ha, time fly's by doesn't it? Who would've thought that I would fall in love with the... most wonderful vampire ever. "I miss you Zack," I said in such a soft whisper it was like I wasn't even speaking at all. I wish he was with me. I wish he could just be here... with me.

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