Runaway Bride chpt. 5

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Chapter 5: Vampire Girl.

I'm so scared. I am really, really scared. How is this 'change' going to affect me? Will I be able to see my friends and family? Will I die? But most importantly, will I be able to be with Zack!? UGHH! I hate not knowing I can't stand this. I need someone to explain this crap to me.UGH. I forgot. You know you don't have to read my thought's to figure out that I am panicking you know that right Zack? Then I heard him in my head. 'I know, but I just want to make sure your okay. That's all I'm sorry.' Ugh. I hate that I can't stay mad at you for long! You got lucky this time buddy! I could hear him laugh in his head. Yeah, I was reading his mind now too. 'Oh, so you're going to play that way. Huh?' 'You bet!' Then we both smiled and looked at each other. Then suddenly, my face crumpled into a pained look. Ouch, was that my head hurting? It felt like someone drilling a nail into my head. 'Are you okay? I can feel your head ache and man it hurts!' 'Ouch, yeah, Ouch, I know, OUCH!' I just replied. Then Zack said out loud urgently, "Mom we've got to get her inside. I can feel her head ache and it is bad. We need to get her inside.NOW" Then they were rushing me to the house putting me on a couch... Ha, I remember this couch...

"Elena? Elena!?" I was panicking. I don't know why I was panicking. I mean I know she didn't die, I can still hear her heart beat. But I'm just so scared for her. I love her too much to let her go. I just hope she'll make it through the change. Some people don't......

Wow, where am I? Am I even still alive? Man, I feel like Alice in Wonderland. "Hello Elena" This strange voice came from no where, but it seemed kind and gentle. "Do not fear me Elena, for I am the goddess of all vampires. I do no harm to man kind. And I don't want to start now, so my daughter Elena. I have sent you here." The supposed goddess had said. "You do not believe me, then I will come and see you my darling and wipe away all the suspicions clear of your mind." The goddess was speaking so soothingly. I almost felt like sleeping. Then suddenly the most beautiful person I've ever seen came down on to the ground. She even toped Zack's mother and she was maybe in her early 20's late teens. "So many say I am beautiful, thank you for noticing. Yes I can read your thoughts darling. But do not be worried. I do not go into your deepest darkest thoughts. But on to what I have to tell you. I have chosen you, to be the next queen of vampires. I give you all my ability's. And a fair husband to rule your kingdom with, but make your choices wisely." She spoke with such silkiness in her voice it seemed like only a dream. But reality hit me too hard for this to be a dream. Then she spoke in only a whisper, "Now go darling, go to Zack and make his worries disappear. Tell them about who've you met, and what I have now crowned you. They will believe you my daughter. Now go, I will be back again. But for now, this is good bye." I was in a dark empty place now. But soon it got lighter. My eyes were opening... As soon as my eyes were half way opened I shot up and screamed "ZACK!!" and flew off the couch with inhuman speed and landed right into a kiss. Zack and I just stood there. No one was there, his mother had left and his father and even Chris. They were all gone. Zack and I were alone. I was going to have to explain the short meeting I had, had with the Queen of Vampires. And I know it was real... So I started by saying, "Zack, I met the Queen of Vampires... I am now queen of the vampires and if you will, can u be my king...."

 "But, but...but......" Sean stammered on. I was furious, NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE messed with my Zack. If they did, they'd have to go through me. And that wouldn't be a pretty site. I'm supposable the strongest vamp. Queen out of all the generations of queens. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to fling him around so easily; he is like a 6 year old vampire, a lot stronger than a vampire that is basically still half human. "YOUR (breath) GONNA (breath) PAY (breath) FOR THIS!" Sean gasped out. I turned around, of course with lightning speed (cause' I'm good like that) and then again, he is slammed against another wall. But then tears started to well up in my eyes. "You didn't. You didn't. YOU DIDN'T!" I started to scream. I was just about to slam him or throw him or even kill him. But then I said "Where's the cure damn it!? WHERE IS IT!" I said with tears coming down my cheeks. I'll probably have to go another way, because Zack can't hear his thought, Sean made sure that he wouldn't be able to. So I send him a message in his head instead. It's like a private chat room where no one can hear us. "WHERE THE HELL IS THE CURE SEAN! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU POISONED HIM! I KNEW YOU WERE AN IDIOT, BUT NOT THIS STUPID!" I screamed the words into his head so violently it took him by surprise. Then he said out loud, "You want it? Of course you do, one condition, B-L-O-O-D." I started mumbling in my head to myself, careful not to bring up anything that had to do with finding that cure. I didn't want Zack to do anything about it. I didn't even want him to know. "OUCH!" I blurt out loud. And Zack's right there by my side. I start to fall to the ground. Then everything goes blank.......

"Elena? ELENA!?" I start to scream franticly. "YOU LITTLE SON OF A BI-" I stopped myself, I noticed he was concerned about Elena. "What, what's wrong!? What happened? Is she going to be okay? Will she!? WHAT HAPPENED!" he started mumbling on. Then I blurted out, "SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK!"

"Ouch, what was that, where did I just fall from? MY butt hurts. OUCH!" I said, thinking that I was just talking to myself when apparently a voice chimed in. So sweet, he voice rang like bells and a wind chime. "Hello again, Elena darling, how is your new life going? I see you're having some trouble with one of my sons Sean, and Zack." I knew who it was right away. The Queen of Vampire's or I guess you could say... ex-queen of vampires..??. "Um... Well yes. Can...can u help me? I love Zack so much, and I won't be able to live without him. And I would give Sean my blood but I don't know if he'll go through with the deal, and if something happened to Zack, oh goodness! I wouldn't be able to live.. I..." I was stammering then I broke out in sobs. Sob's for Zack and for me. And all he's been through. All of this is my fault! I can't believe it. Soon enough the Queen, was next to me soothing me with words. "My dear princess, your knowledge will get stronger, your heart more faithful. You'll know what to do. Give it time. The poison Sean put in Zack's body, will take 3 days to work. By then, you'll have all the knowledge in the world. No worries of what is yet to come. You will be the new Queen of Vampires." Then she gave me a hug. A hug I haven't had in a while from my mom or dad. It felt like she was my mother, my mother all these years. And she smiled such a glorious smile, beautiful beyond belief. Amazing, all I could do was smile back. ". "My sweet Elena, it will be time for me to go to the heavens soon. I know that is a surprise, but when vampires are ready, then can go to heaven. But god has a big decision in it as well. There's one more important thing I have to tell you Elena, generations after you will rule the thrown until the 100,000,000 one. They must be destroyed. Something evil will poses them in the future. And needless to say, we can't have evil run the vampire world, there's already enough of it from the human world and our world. This is far well my dear Elena. If you ever need me, you call for me, and I will come. Good-bye." She squeezed me one more time for a hug; kissed my forehead and she was off. Off to live her life in the heavens, peacefully. I think she's earned it, think about it. A person can only stand so many years....

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