Runaway Bride Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Old faces, new tasks.

         I started to wake up, and I couldn't help but replay last night in my head over and over again. I turned around to see if Zack was there but he wasn't, I thought he might be down stairs- So I 'Searched' for his brain; I tried to see if I could hear the sound of his beating heart...Nothing? Maybe he went hunting. Anyways it's only 3 in the morning. I'll just go back to sleep. I'm sure when I wake up; there will be a hot cup of coffee with milk and sugar in it just the way I like it, and my husband handing the coffee to me. Yeah know, I never thought of him being my husband. It never came to my mind. But, a name means nothing id there id really no meaning to it. Soon enough I fell asleep thinking about different things... RING! RING! RING! Ugh. Shut up you stupid alarm clock! I'll just press the snooze button. Oh, I forgot it was on Zack's side of the bed. "Zack? Can you turn the alarm off please?" I said drowsily. No answer and the alarm kept going off. "Zack?" I said worried. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I Screeched. The-er-ers a DEAD vampire with stake through her heart on my BED! I jumped up so quickly that you would have never known I was actually in the bed at one point. I'm still wondering where Zack I, what's that? A note on the stake? It says... "Zack's with us, come and find him! Oh, and enjoy your new friend. If you wake up before ten, which I doubt; you can save her, She knows where you precious little DEAD boy-friend is." It's only 8! I CAN SAVE HER LIFE! I was going things without even thinking, using my powers to heal her. She opened her eyes. They got wider and wider, when she realized who I was. I only knew because I could read her mind. When was I able to do all this? What ever, I don't really care about that at this point. I just want Zack back. Word gets around fast," I guess? Even vampires gossip, what a shame. "Your-your- I interrupted her, "shh, shh, I know. Who did this to you? They gave me a note saying you know where Zack is! I want, no I have to get to him!" She looked confused, but then realized who and what I was talking about. She understood she got up; she looked shocked, (I could hear what she was thinking of course.) 'I feel bran new! I've never felt this good, even when I'm filled on blood!" She came and... Hugged me? "Thank you SO much! I will help you save your poor husband my queen. My names Alice, but u probably already know that." She smiled at me, and I did already know her name. Alice had short orange hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes, and was wearing torn jeans a purple ripped 'Paramore' shirt "You need a change of Alice, let me find you some." I smiled at her as I spoke. Everything she thought was flying into my head, like it was my own thoughts  She liked just about everything I did. She'd make an awesome best vamp friend! Ha. "Wait a minute!" She said at the same time as me. "Alice!" I screamed. "Elena!"  She screamed back. We were in a giant bear hug. "I haven't seen you since 5th grade! Oh my gosh! I can't believe this! I'm always thinking about you, I missed you so much!" Alice said excited. "I missed you too!" I said happily. "You know, we don't actually have to talk to catch up. I've already gone through your head, sorry!" She said with a smirk, and I replied; "I know I did the same thing!" We were both laughing and just kept hugging each other. But, I never forgot the most important thing that was on my mind before. "Okay, we need to start. The vampires who took Zack and me, they don't know you're the queen of Vampires. They don't get out much; they almost thought you were human!" Alice was talking on and on about what we needed to do and vital information I needed to know. I listened intensively. I had to try and remember everything. I couldn't make on mistake on the mission. They didn't know Alice and me could work together so well. Alice couldn't really work well with anyone but me. Then when I moved in 6th grade, we both felt lost with out each other. Are parents were in a feud, we weren't allowed to call, text, AIM, or even e-mail each other. No interaction what so ever. And it wasn't fair at all we were crushed. I know that I cried every night for about 3 months. But never mind that, we've got bigger and harder problems to deal with now, can't get off track. "Here's the plan, they're meeting for a brawl in the woods today. I know the other vampires that are fighting. None of the guard are staying inside, so it'll be clear. It's a bunch of newbie's, they're only been vampires for a month. I could've taken them all down. But they gagged me. Stupid newbie's can't fight fang to fang like the older vamps do. But what ever to them, anyways when they were carrying me out, they were carrying Zack in. I know the exact room this should be a piece of cake. First we might want to go hunting for some animals. But even better- I know a witch AND werewolf donor. When you combine all 3 bloods- your powers are at the strongest that they ever will or have been." Alice explained everything to me. So, we were off to first get werewolf blood. Alice was driving, because she can go wicked fast without hitting anyone or anything. I could never drive my Shelby mustang GT 500 this fast. Oh, I love my car! It's red with a white stripe down the center of it. It's my baby... We finally arrived at the place. It was a... Night Club? "Werewolf Wonder bar." The sign read. "Yeah, I know it seems cheesy and like a regular night club on the outside, but let me tell you- on the inside werewolf paradise!" Alice said with a fragile smile, almost seemed as though a tiny little thing could crack it. "What's wrong?" I said worried. "Well..." she started but trailed off. "She tried to hide her thoughts but I caught them in time. "Ah, a werewolf boyfriend? Alice! These mutts are beneath you!" I said trying to make her smile bigger and it worked. "I know, but I was young an in love." She said sarcastically, looking me in the eyes. "I got over him a while ago, but I don't know if he got over me..." "You know that's a lie." I said. "What ever do you mean?" Alice said innocently. I rolled my eyes. "You still like him! Did you forget I am the queen of vamps and I know all?" I said and winked at her. Both of us were smiling and laughing at each other. "What a way to see each other again. Huh?" "Ha, I know," I said with an awkward smile. "Well, let us go in, I guess... OH! I haven't seen him in so long... Do I look okay? I mean I was just almost completely dead. Do you think he still likes me? Wait! You can read his thought! Read them and help me figure it out!" Alice babbled on and on "Alice! Calm down!" I said over whelmed by everything she was saying. "Listen to me, I will listen to his thought and check his heart rate when you walk in the room. I'll tell you everything. I can send it to you mentally." "Okay, okay." "Thanks a ton!" Alice said. We were walking in when suddenly this big guy walked in front of us. "May I help you?" He said in a husky voice. "It's me Al. it's Alice. This is Elena, she's Queen of Vampires, and she needs to see the werewolf donor." Alice said smiling. His eye's widened and then Al said, "Oh I'm sorry Queen. Forgive me, please come in." I replied with a sweet voice, "Its okay, you didn't know, and thank you." I smiled a thankful smile. He smiled back for me being so kind and stepped aside.

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