Chapter 12! End of this book.

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A/N: If you want another book of this, which imma not ssure i'm going to do I gotta get lots of votes and comments and such. Sorry its been a while but I've finally got it up!  Hope you enjoy the last chapter of this book... Maybe book 2 will be coming..... ? But i doubt it.

Chapter 12: Just when I thought it was over

“STOP!” I screamed suddenly.

We came to an abrupt halt while everyone turned to look at me with exasperated looks. I pointed my finger out the window to the spot where I thought I saw something written. I jumped out of the car and walked over, and I was right, (of course). I started to read what it wrote, and after reading it in my head I read it aloud trying to keep the anger contained. But it seemed to leak out into my voice as I spoke.

“You can’t have Zack, and Zack can’t have you! Simple as that Elena. I’ve already messed up enough times to know whether I die or not that anyone would care! So I thought, maybe I could have YOU Elena. You know we belong together!  You don’t belong with Zack! But if you really care, and if you even notice this which I doubt (that is why I’m being so ‘ out and open’ about liking you part). But anyways, if you want to even witness Zack’s death, then be here at 4:00. Which I know you won’t be able to! And you’ll be all mine. Good-bye my love!” My voice seemed to take control of it self as the words were basically hissed out of my mouth

I ran as fast as I could just to get there sooner. I was going to the place where Zack and I fist met. How was he going to kill him? Seriously. He’s a vampire for gosh sake! I tried to see if I could send messages to Zack telepathically but it didn’t seem to be working out. But finally, I got a message back from Zack.

‘Elena! Oh thank god your okay, I’ve missed you so much! I know you’ve already figured out that my brothers taken me, but meet me at the run down amusement park that’s where it’s going to take place. Where he’s going to…. Kill me. And if you don’t make it in time, I still love you Elena. You remember that, I’ll love you forever and always.’

Then he was gone. His voice seemed to be getting weaker and weaker by the end. A tear escaped my eye and I started to sob while trying to take deep breaths to help myself. This made me go in over drive to reach Zack. I didn’t even know I could run this fast. Suddenly I felt something sharp pierce my leg. I stumbled and rolled. I looked down to see and arrow and a guy on a roof looking for pleased with himself and the bow in his hands. I took the arrow out of my leg and looked up at the guy with a smile wiped off his face. I aimed, and through the arrow right at his leg. He fell on his knees in pain from the throw of the arrow. I smiled with determination and was off raining again. I could see the amusement park it was right out of reach. My legs starting to hurt really bad…Ah crap he poisoned it! Whatever as long as I get to Zack.

‘Zack, sweetie where are you?’ I said telepathically.

‘Near the broken down Ferris…wh…whe….’ Then he was gone.

I had to go to the Ferris wheel and save Zack. Suddenly I felt another sting at my back. I pulled another poisonous arrow out of my back. My run turned to a walk considering the pain I was in but then I started to jog realizing Zack was probably in more pain than me. I saw the Ferris wheel and saw Zack tied up to it. I didn’t see anyone so I ran to him and as soon as I got there I kissed him. I missed him so much and finally I got to see him.

“Bravo, Bravo. You’ve finally gotten to Zack! But oh no, Elena! It looks like you’re dying as well. It doesn’t look like you can stop that Ferris wheel from crashing down on you and Zack, can you?” He said deviously.

And ‘he’ would be the one and only, Chris. And he was right, I could barley move my body. Only enough to shield Zack if anything happened. Suddenly we heard the creaking of the Ferris wheel being rocked back and forth by Chris.

“Hey Elena, did you ever find that cure for Zack? I wonder why he hasn’t died yet. Maybe he didn’t need a cure….” His face turned from pure amusement to puzzlement.

“But who cares now, right? Cause’ apparently your both going to die anyways. I wonder how come the cute vampire didn’t show up? I thought she would like to come and get revenge on me. But huh, I guess not. Oh well. By the way Elena, you’ve got one more chance. Do you want to be with me and watch Zack die or you can just die with him.” He said casually.

“You just don’t get it do you? Why would I EVER want to be with you!” I spat at him.

For a minute he looked hurt and then he covered it by smiling and laughing a maniacal laugh.

“Fine sweet heart, have it your way. I hope you enjoy your reunion with all your dead family members. You’ll be seeing your parents there soon anyways….” He was cut of short by a howl in the distant.

“Stupid mutts. Well, got to make t his quick before they save you and blah, blah, blah. By my love…. Forever.”

Then the Ferris wheel started to rock back and forth harder and harder till it was almost off its already broken and worn down hinges. I could already feel the impact coming. I knew we were going to die, and I couldn’t even say I love you to Zack. I could barley open my eyes. But I pushed anyways, I was laying Zack’s lap while he smiled at me weakly. Then I looked up just in time to see us getting ready to be squashed by the gigantic Ferris wheel. But then I saw a white blur and we were pushed aside just in time to see the Ferris wheel roll a little bit then wobble, and then came down with a SMASH landing right on top of Chris. I saw the ex-Queen of Vampires rush over to us with concerned eyes she looked very old when you looked in to her eyes. But she was still the most beautiful person/vampire I have ever seen.

“Elena, you and Zack must drink all of my blood. And I mean all of it. Yes that means I die, but that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is the new heir of the throne is alive and so is her husband. So drink now.” She commanded at us.

My eyes widened at her command. I was going to have to kill the ex- Queen of Vampires to save my own life. It didn’t feel right to do so, but I had to. So instead of sticking my sharp fangs into her throat I took her wrist instead and so did Zack. As soon as I drank enough to just be able to get up and say a good-bye before we drank the rest of her blood.

“Thank you Queen, thank you.” I said.

Suddenly I realized I never knew her real name, and I didn’t want to just kill her with me only calling her Queen I’d rather know her name and thank her absolutely properly.

“Darling, you’ve said enough apologizes but my name is Julia. Now drink child, remember you are not being selfish you are doing this for the world, to keep it safe. Now thank you for all you have done and all you will do. I can still visit you when I’m in the after life. So hurry, drink the rest of my blood.”

I obeyed her and began to drink again Zack seemed to have stopped when I did as well so he began again too. Soon she was very limp and we drained every bit of her because if anyone else got her blood, it would mean very bad things. I picked up her limp body and as soon as I did I heard the whole gang come running through the forest. I didn’t even care what took them so long everyone was safe and the war was over. Everything would be all right in the world. No more bad guys, (for now) and hopefully I’ll be able to rule my kingdom truthfully. So this is the end of one life, and the beginning of my new life. As the Queen of Vampires.

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