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Not being able to handle the news, Heejin left- she ran away with her heart on fire and mind a flurry of questions upon questions

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Not being able to handle the news, Heejin left- she ran away with her heart on fire and mind a flurry of questions upon questions.

Jeno yelled out in anger, throwing the nearest glass to the wall and it shattered into pieces, ones that symbolised the two childhood friends- 'lovers'.

His fists clenched detrimentally tight and his chest rose and fell heavily, kicking himself internally and running his hand down his face.

"Fuck," he hissed, loosening his tie and throwing it off- grabbing his keys and rushing out of the door.

The male was in his car and out of the gates that confined him to his Mafia- eyes tracing down the streets in hopes to find the girl.

She was torn, distraught and betrayed.

Walking down the empty streets at 10pm, not a soul to be seen but her mind was distant- unsure why she was so bothered by it.

Maybe it was because he lied but they hadn't seen each other in nearly ten years so why would it matter?

Was she growing accustomed to having Jeno around?
Should she call him Jeno?
Was he having fun tricking her?

Why did he leave?

Masses amounts of questions ran through her mind and she bit at the side of her cheek, blinking back the stinging in her eyes.

Why was she crying- she had no idea.
It just was all too much, was it too early to feel this way towards someone she barely knew- no she knew him since he was an infant but now?

"Ugh!" She yelled out in frustration, stopping in her place and staring at the concrete street that seemed to travel for ages.

"Mum..." She trailed off in a whisper, feeling alone with the wind blowing through her tangled hair.

Heejin tilted her head up, the dark sky looming over her, shadows encasing her in the darkness she was stuck in the repetitive cycle of despair.

Rosa...how did she not connect the dots?

"You're so stupid." She muttered to herself, rubbing at her eyes and grew unaware of the desperate boy who parked his car across the road- hurrying over to Heejin.

Heejin had her head down, dwelling on everything that had been thrown at her as she began walking across the road- the sound of tires squeaking and the sudden bright light made her squint and look towards it.

Jeno's eyes widened, breaking out into a full blown sprint as Heejin remained standing there, frozen.

For a second, time slowed and for a second she thought it would have been better this way- deluding her to believe there was no reason for her to even be here- what purposes did she have without her family?

She didn't hear his screams, yells for her to move, instead the wind blew in her hair, the headlights illuminating her skin and she watched as the car inched closer- taking a breath in.

Instinctively, his arms wrapped around her frame, pushing them both to the ground as the car swerved past them and the two remained out of harms way.

Heejin's breath hitched when her back hit the concrete road, the figure of Jeno hovering over her with his hands beside her head and the silver chain around his neck hanging over her.

Blood rushing around her veins, pumping in her ears and the cold wind was no longer as his body emitted the warmth.

He was panting, dark eyes looking down at the girl.
"Are you crazy?" He exclaimed angrily, eyes narrowed. "You were going to get run over and you just stood there! Do you have a death wish, you could have died!"

Heejin remained silent at his sudden outburst, never seeing him actually display any emotions other than his bleak face.

Her eyes took in his every feature to the moles on his skin to the high points of his cheeks, the crease in his forehead which was created from worry.

His godly chiselled bone structure and sharp jawline accentuated the years apart they had spent, the years she wasn't in his life.

His lips that moved as he spoke incoherent words to her, the soft pinkish hue on it engraving into her mind.

"Are you even listening, Rosa?"

No daddy she's too busy staring at your lips you feel me

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No daddy she's too busy staring at your lips you feel me

Insatiable ◆ Lee JenoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora