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Her parents?

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Her parents?

Jeno's brows furrowed down in confusion.
He thought her parents died in the fire years ago- the one at the gang house.

He was pulled out of it by a raw emotional screen from Heejin as Yuta held her back as she yearned to the house.

"No! Please!" She screamed out through her tears, helpless eyes as the flames licked up the house.

"Mum! Please, it's me- Heejin! Please I'm here!"
The girl fell limp in Yuta's arms on her knees, sobbing and her head hit the floor- crying into her arms.

"It wasn't an Aurelian attack..." Lucas trailed off and Jeno glanced at him with blank eyes which made the boy quickly look away.

Jeno glanced back at the girl and he began walking towards them- stoic eyes and his posture straightened.

"Please, please get them out." She whimpered, the traumatic past haunting her as she closed her eyes- hearing the screams echo around the village.

"Yuta." He acknowledged and the leader looked up at the younger boy. Yuta's expression hardened and he stood up, shoulders squaring at the sight of Jeno.


There was a pause and Jeno's eyes trailed down to the distraught girl who sobbed on the ground then back at the house.

"There seems to be a vendetta against both of our gangs." Yuta began rigidly and Jeno nodded knowingly.

"Help, someone help! Please my baby!" A scream was heard from a few houses down and a tear stained Heejin lifted her head- catching sight of Jeno.

"Please!" The woman screamed out in a blood curdling scream.

Heejin tore her eyes away from Jeno as there were bigger problems than their rivalry.
She glanced at her parents house with no way to get inside then at the woman attempting to get inside her house.

Internally debating with herself, Heejin stood up on her feet- disoriented but began running over to the house.

"Heejin-" Yuta began shocked but the sounds of gunshots went off and he hissed, beggining to call for back up.

Jeno glanced between the shooters and Heejin who burst into the house that had just caught fire.

"She's so stupid." He hissed, running after her into the house.
He entered the smoke filled home, coughing at the immediate rush to his lungs- air thick and the sounds of a baby crying made his heart pump adrenaline.

The sound of fire crackling and the foggy air made his eyes water but he put his arm over his mouth, rushing upstairs towards the sound of a baby.

He coughed and coughed as he entered the upstairs hallway, catching sight of the girl he followed inside.

"Fuck." He hissed, watching as the first bedroom lit up in flames and urgently, he ran towards the baby's room.

Heejin was there, coughing and panting as she reached the crib- the near to 5 month old baby crying.

She looked up at the sound of footsteps, her teary eyes finding Jeno's; the last person she expected to see.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked through her hoarse throat, red eyes and flushed cheeked.

Jeno didn't say anything, he walked over to the wardrobe- grabbing a towel and rushing over to the crib.

"Get a towel and dampen it with the water." He demanded as he focused on wrapping the small baby up.

Heejin felt sick to her stomach, dizzy and nauseous at the smell and sight of the fire.
She panicked, grabbing a towel and the water bottle- following his orders to do so.

Jeno slid his jacket off and lifted the baby up, holding it so it's face was by his chest and the towel pulled over the back of its head.

"T-the fire," she spoke out, wide eyes at the door and Jeno glanced at it, noticing the fire scaling the wall.

"Put the towel over your mouth and don't take it off." He said bluntly, stern with his words as he put the jacket over the baby to ensure maximum safety.

He began walking towards the door and Heejin jolted at the sight of him leaving.
"W-what about y-you-"
"Don't worry about me just get the fuck out."

Heejin swallowed the dryness in her throat, pressing the towel to her mouth and nose as they began walking out of the room and into the fire lit hallway.

She was terrified, it was like she could hear the screams of a few years ago when her family and friends died.

She remembered herself wailing out for help, helpless in the fire.

The ceiling behind her came crumbling down and she whimpered, screwing her eyes shut.

Jeno looked behind him as he reached the steps, seeing the girl frozen in fear and took the initiative to grab her by the hand and pull her with him.

They rushed down the steps, the baby crying at his chest and the heat unbearable as he coughed- lungs full with ash and smoke.

Tears dripped down her cheeks and she felt the heat painfully close as they reached the hallway to the first floor.

The doorway was on the verge of falling apart with the fire.

Jeno tried to accumulate a plan in his head and the ceiling fell through behind them, Heejin yelping in fear and stepping closer to Jeno, her fist gripping his shirt.

He looked behind him, seeing the pure terror on her face and he looked back at the door.
"It's going to fall through." He coughed out hoarsely and Heejin panted anxiously, pushing him towards the door.

They reached the doorway and it was too fragile for both of them to both go through.

Heejin made eye contact with Jeno before pushing him out of the house and the doorway went crumbling down with the girl still stuck inside.

Heejin made eye contact with Jeno before pushing him out of the house and the doorway went crumbling down with the girl still stuck inside

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