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The police was there before them, quick to infiltrate his home as he was classed as a highly wanted person, blue and red lights illuminating the old, wrecked home

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The police was there before them, quick to infiltrate his home as he was classed as a highly wanted person, blue and red lights illuminating the old, wrecked home.

She clutched onto his hand as they walked towards the door and her heart was caught in her throat when they pushed the door open to see the sight of blood.

It was everywhere, in places that wasn't deemed possible and the floor trailed with blood marks of a dragged body.

She felt repulsed, angered and sick to her stomach at the sight of the pile of dead bodies in the corner and Jeno turned her around- his palm on the back of her head to comfort her as her cheek rested on his chest.

There were yells of the officers sounding around the room and Heejin tuned into the sound of his beating heart instead, taking comfort in the sound that lulled her into calamity.

"Lee Myunho, you are under arrest!" The womanly dominating voice yelled out as she began to arrest the man in the next room and Heejin pulled away from Jeno.

His expression was unreadable and she frowned, looking up at him and putting hand on his chest to bring him back to reality.

"Are you okay?" She whispered worriedly and he nodded, pursing his lips shut as the commotion grew closed, anticipation rising.

The foot stepped out of the bedroom and the scruffy old man appeared before them both and Jeno's breath hitched at the sight of his father.

His appearance showing how worse for wear he was and the unruly beard showing he hadn't been taking care of himself.

Myunho glanced up at the presence of the two, jolting to a stop with his eyes burning holes up at his son.

A wicked, twisted smile stretched on his lips, baring his yellow tinted teeth.
Ji-hyeon." He began happily, a mocking undertone to it and Jeno's fist clenched.

Heejin noticed, gently putting her hand over his and Myunho raised his brow, humoured.

"So you ended up with this bitch."
Jeno lunged a step forward with dark, furious eyes.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that." He spat out seethingly, eyes cutting into his father with no remorse.

"Or what son, will you start to cry again? Better yet will she be the one to fight your battles for you? Pretty one isn't she, she was nice to look at when I had her tied up-"

Jeno's open fist clenched around his father's shirt roughly, yanking him closer with fury in his veins.

"Shut the fuck up." He gritted out, tightening his grip till the point where his father couldn't move without being choked. "Speak about her again and I'll cut your fucking tongue off."

The officers pulled them both away but it didn't change Jeno's deadly glare of hatred that fuelled in his veins.

"Poor boy, once a murderer- always a murderer, you remember that don't you sweetheart?" Myunho asked Heejin and she looked up at his smile. "When your beloved killed that poor innocent wolf."

"Stop it." Jeno gritted out angrily, the vein in his neck pulsating with agonisingly angry blood.

"That's exactly how your Mother died, by stabbing herself-"

The sickening sound echoed around the room as Jeno launched his fist into his Dad's face- panting angrily and Heejin's lips parted in shock, putting a hand on his tense broad back.

Myunho was quickly taken away and Heejin assisted Jeno to calm down, knowing he wasn't in the best mind frame.

"We have a survivor down here!" The voice yelled from the basement.
"Young male in his early 20's, barely breathing- call the ambulance!"

"Young male in his early 20's, barely breathing- call the ambulance!"

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