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I'm only me because of you

I'm only me because of you

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"Hey champ." Heejin lifted her head from the hospital's cafeteria table, her swollen red eyes meeting Mark who stood there with his famous smile on his lips and hands in his pocket as he looked down at the girl.

"Hey." She croaked out, not bothering to wipe away the traces of her sorrowful tears.
Mark frowned and walked over till he sat besides the girl.

"I'm so happy for you- your vision is back!" He exclaimed with a wide smile, glimmer of happiness in his eyes.

Yet, she didn't smile- unable to force one upon her lips as her heart overtook the emotions she held- imprinting a frown on her lips and the waterworks began to spark again; bottom lip trembling and shallow breaths indicated it all.

Mark leant forward, wordlessly wrapping his arms around her frame as she began to cry painfully, gasping sobs and heart wrenching whimpers dampened his blue shirt but it was the last thing he was thinking of- running a hand down her hair.

"I just want him to be okay." She said in between her cries, shakily breathing in and clutching the material of his shirt in her grip.

"He will, he'll be okay Heejin."
"B-but what i-if..." She trailed off terrified- almost like she was hiding away from the possibility of his death as she cowered into his arms.

"He'll come back to you, he always does, doesn't he?"

Heavy sigh and it felt like the weight of the world resided on her shoulders- lethargic as she struggled to walk faster than she was- drained of life.

Her legs hit the side of the bed, looking down numbly at the boy who was still yet to wake, the assured her he would anytime soon.

Heejin opened her mouth to say something, anything but she didn't- overwhelmed with the situation that she couldn't bring herself to say anything in the fear she would begin to cry again.

Instead she leant down, pressing a soft delicate kiss to his forhead.

"Wake up soon my love." She whispered, her sad eyes raking over his features- hoping he'd open his own.

Yet, he didn't and the cycle all repeated itself.

Heejin fell into an uncomfortable sleep in the chair besides his bed as she always did- disregarding the aches in her body against it.

The sounds of birds and the stream of sunlight, the scent of chemicals and rhythmical beeping of his heart rate monitor.

A twitch, a small immeasurable twitch in his finger was soon followed by the slight scrunch of his nose and his eyebrows drew down in unfamiliarity.

His chest rose and fell, straining his ears to become familiar with the surroundings and his body felt heavy in the unknown bed- moving his other fingers and his eyelashes gradually fluttered to an open.

Jeno immediately shut his eyes at the intensity of light and the wave of pain transferring through his head.


Jeno gasped, eyes flying open in worry as he remembered why he ended up in the hospital bed- it coursed around his veins and pumping in his beating hard that filled with dread.

Almost painfully, he turned his head- breath hitching when his sight landed on the figure besides him.

Her body was sat on the chair, knees to her chest and thin blanket over her body with fallen pieces of hair delicately falling over her face.

The sight of her untouched, soundly sleeping frame made him almost cry out in relief.

He was finally awake.

// So wattpad isn't letting me put my banners down but I wanted to give you a chapter anyway so yeah//

Insatiable ◆ Lee JenoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu