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Part 2

You stare in horror at the white board in front of you, aliens and fire are drawn onto the once white surface, the Doctor stands next to it, describing everything on the board as if it was normal.

"I still don't see what this has to do with my teacher." you say to the madman in front of you.

"Oh this." the Doctor gestures to the board, "Absolutely nothing, that is about you. Your teacher on the other hand is at the hospital, he got a call from a nurse." he shrugs his shoulders, acting like everything he was saying wasn't completely mental.

You pick your bag from the floor and head for the door, "Well, this chat has been lovely but I have to be in lab six in two minutes so if you don't mind I have to leave." you push the doors handle down but the door doesn't move, you joggle the handle a couple more times but still it doesn't budge. "Why have you locked me in." you don't turn round, too scared to look at the people behind you.

"Because you don't belong here, you're too smart, you have more knowledge then Einstein himself. No one on earth has a mind like you do, I know you have noticed, you don't belong here. This isn't where you're supposed to be" the Doctor says whilst walking around Mr Drummond's desk.

"An academy? Trust me, I know, I'm going to college at the end of this year."

The Doctor shakes his head. "You know that that isn't what I meant. You don't belong here at all, you've been lost for so long that you have forgotten."

"You mean Earth, I don't belong on Earth? Are you completely mental?" you say, turning to meet green eyes.

"Yes, he is." the red head says from beside him, you shake your head.

The room was silent before you spoke again, "I have dreams of a different life, the girl in them is and isn't me. She speaks to me sometimes but not always. Most of the time I think i'm absolutely mental but you." you point to the Doctor, "You're familiar, not your face but you're presence. This will sound crazy but you feel like home."

The Doctor smiles, what appears to be tears lines his eyes. He holds out a hand towards your face, stopping before he touches your skin. He looks at you, waiting for you to allow him to get closer. You nod, his fingers rest against your skin on the right side of your face.

You move away instantly, "Let me out." The Doctor shakes his head, he tries to reach out for you again but you move away, "Open this god damn door!" With a nod of the Doctors head, the red head gives you the key to the door. You waste no time in unlocking and pulling the door open, you were down the stairs in seconds. 

Heavy breaths escape you as you press yourself against the brick walls of the schools exterior. Images flash through your head of multiple men who were all different but the same, they all cared for you, each one protecting you from foreign dangers. Most of them dressed weirdly, too many colours and hats and even vegetables. What stuck out most though was you, you were with every single one of them but you seemed so much older.

'Home'. You shake your head as you pull a watch out from your bag, why it was in there you didn't know. It had spoke to you for many years but recently you had been blocking it out, the urge to open it was growing stronger but still you resisted. Truth be told you were scared of opening, you din't know why but most of your nightmares usually involved that watch being opened. Something would be released and it didn't seem like it would be good but you knew that one day you would have to face it. Today just wasn't that day, not after your visit from the madman upstairs that showed you everything you wanted to see.

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