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"No, you can't do this, not to me." you plead as you are pushed into a cell, the Doctor watches from behind the handsy guards. You push against them though it was pointless, they were too strong for you to move with your restraints on. "Doctor, if you do this now there is no going back." You slam against the back wall of your cell, the door is locked. "Take me away from here."

He shakes his head and walks away with the guards, his converse squeak slightly against the ground.

"You bastard." your shouting could be heard by every alien in the maximum security prison, most of the aliens in the place were there because of you.

Fists bang against the walls between your cell and the other two on either side. "(y/n) (l/n), I will kill you."

You chuckle as you flop to the ground and lean against the cells bars, "You can try sweetheart, you can try, I might even let you."


The Doctor didn't even think, every time he visited River it didn't occur to him that you were only around the corner. You had been moved from the cell that was beside Rivers, now you were in an a room inside a room with armed guards and enough cameras to capture every single angle of your movement. Despite the security you were still able to devise an escape plan, the shackles around your wrists and ankles fall to the floor, no longer holding you.

"Care Bear." you call out to the guard. He looks through the peep hole in your door, you give him a cheshire cat smile as you show him your wrists, he instantly calls for back up and opens your cell. In an instant you are on your feet, you slam your elbow against his temple and grab his gun from his hands as he stumbles back. You aim the gun at his chest but then lower it whilst chuckling. "Im not going to kill you, Care bear. I'm just going to hurt you a little." You hold the gun like a baseball bat, you swing it back and crack it against his head. He falls to the ground and you step over him. "Enough playing nice."

The Doctors head flies towards the end of the corridor, gun fire and screams sound. "River, who's around that corner." He turn back around to his friend to find she had gone back into her cell and closed the door tight.

"You need to leave, the girl down there is a lunatic. She will shoot you without even blinking an eye." River was afraid, she was never afraid.

"Whats here name?" the Doctor asks, for the first time in months he was becoming very aware of where he stood.

River back herself into a dark corner, "(Y/N)."

The Doctors breathing hitches, he turns his head back to the corner where the shooting had stopped and had instead been replaced by "help me." 

You throw your gun to the floor, it had run out of ammo and you had killed every guard in your way. You swipe blood off of your cheek and rub your red hands on your trousers. Your eyes fall on a man at the end of the corridor, around his neck is a red bowtie and on his head is enough hair to make a handful of wigs.

"You must be crazy to still be standing here." The man shifts his weight between his feet, he seemed uncomfortable and uncertain. "Who are you?"

"(y/n), what did you do?"

The way he said your name told you exactly who he was, angered filled your body, your escape plan being replaced by the thought of murder. "You left me, you fucking left me. I'm here because you couldn't stand the thought of me helping my brother. I protected you on that bloody air ship, I stopped Martha's family from being murdered and you do this to me."

"You killed people!"

"I didn't hurt a hair on anyones head, I protected earth from my brother. I reduced the amount of people he killed, I saved lives as well as I could. I did this all whilst planning his death and never listened to me." you watch as his face falls, "The Master was a lunatic but he was my brother, I tried to save him in the only way I could, by killing him."

"(Y/N)-" he begins to say as he takes a step forward, you take a step back.

"I said I was going to kill you but I think i'll let you live with the guilt, we both know how that eats you up inside." 

The Doctor watches as you walk back the way you came. "Goodbye Doctor, have a safe trip with whoever you are going to kill next."

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