Stubborn Arse

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Part 2

The Daleks hadn't bothered to return lighting to their ship, so you were left trying to walk to the main deck in darkness with a Dalek gun pressed close to your back. Its blue eye casts an eerie glow down the corridors that led to its leaders, it supremes and emperors. Your fingers run across the ships walls, if a corridor turned direction you would know and if it didn't you would know you were going in the wrong direction.

The breath hitches in your throat as you enter what could not be mistaken for anything other than the main deck. Blue, it was everywhere, spanning the whole room with a ghostly look that made your stomach turn.

"dOct-OooR" you press your hands to your ears, hoping to block out the terrorising screams that haunted your dreams. It had been a couple of years since the Daleks had made their last appearance, you had hoped to have never see them again but like everything else in your life it hadn't turned out the way you wanted it too.

The Daleks were erratic, blood thirsty and hung up on the past. This exact same hostage situation had happened before, every time the Doctor saved you but this time it was different. You and the Doctor weren't together anymore, he may save you but not because he wanted to. He would only save you to keep up his saviour persona, you meant nothing to him anymore and that thought was scarier to you than death by Dalek.

"He won't come for me, not this time. You chose the wrong time to use me as a hostage, he hates me." Every twitching blue orb turns to your shaking body and hunched shoulders, hands still pressed to your ears incase of another Dalek outcry. "He believes I am in love with another man, the Doctor is a fool, a fool that isn't going to save me because to him I betrayed him more then even the Master."

You hoped the Doctor would save you, pull you from this unstill darkness and bring back to your life in the light of an alien sun. Another part of you hoped for resolve, wished to be in his arms and feel the warm of his embrace. But you knew that touch would never come, his hearts would no longer sound under your ear at night and his words or 'wisdom' would never emit another giggle from your lips.

He despised you, you loved him. That didn't make a relationship. It was a burden that you would have to live with but it was yours to bare and yours alone.

"TheN YoU are USElEsS." metal grinds on metal, guns take aim, Daleks shriek as they pull the trigger.

Your eyes widen, the guns release their beams of death but not one single shot hits you. You fall to your knees and release a breath you didn't know you were holding. Heavy footsteps rush towards you, a bang echoes around the Tardis as the Doctor falls to his knees infront of you.

His hands cup your face, green eyes scan for any cuts or scratches despite knowing that all they would find would be the limp body of the girl he loved on the only just materialised Tardis if he hadn't been fast enough.

"I almost died." you say as your eyes meet his, he pulls you against his chest and squeezes his arms around your waist. "Since when do you hug me?"

"Since you almost died." his voice was softer then usual, its snarky tone that you had recently become accustomed to no longer remained on the tip of his tongue. "I'm so sorry."

You shake your head and peel away from his grasp. "I don't want an apology, not for this or anything from before. Everything thats happened in the last months has been my fault." The Doctor stands to his feet, takes your hand in his and pulls you up with him.

"Stop interrupting my apology woman." he smiles down at you, his arms draw your body close to his, "I didn't believe you even though I knew you were telling the truth. I know you did cheat on me." his eyes plead with yours.

"I already forgave you. I never blamed you for anything, Idiot."

The Doctor smiles, he leans in at the same time as you, your lips tou-.

The ship jolts as the shields take hits from the Daleks outside, the Doctor sighs, "They couldn't have waited one more minute."

You giggle as you press a quick kiss to his lips, "Lets go before we do really die."

The Doctor grabs your hand, yanking you towards the console, "Geronimo."

He throws the two of you into the vortex.

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