Last Request

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Based on the song Last Request by Paolo Nutini.

Slow down, lie down
Remember it's just you and me
Don't sell out, bow out
Remember how this used to be

River and the Doctor spin in perfectly timed steps whilst you watch the pair flirt despite River not being the one engaged to the time lord. As per usual you were being side lined, put into second place behind a woman who shouldn't be with him the way you are. Pained tears prick the back of your eyes as you stand, leaving the pair to dance to what was typically one of your favourite songs.

I just want you closer
Is that alright?
Baby let's get closer tonight

Their dancing comes to a halt as the Doctor realises you had disappeared during one of his spins, instantly he searches for you in a room of faces, panic sets in. "Sweetie, whats wrong?" River grips his hand tighter, keeping him in place.

"(y/n)'s gone." He says, worry lacing his words as he comes to the conclusion you weren't in the room anymore. River shrugs and tries pulling him back into the dance but he refuses and pries his hands from hers. "I shouldn't be dancing with you." She looks more than offended as he dashes away from the dance floor and out of the entrance to the ball room.

Grant my last request
And just let me hold you
Don't shrug your shoulders
Lay down beside me
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere
But one last time, let's go there
Lay down beside me

A man stops the Doctor from leaving the building. "The Doctor?" asks the man, the Doctor nods. His eyes widen as the man hands him your engagement ring, tears threaten to gloss his eyes. "(y/n) wanted me to tell you that she hopes you and River will be very happy." The man looked disgusted with the time lord in front of him.

The Doctor studies the ring in his palm for a moment before pushing past the man and crossing the threshold between light and dark.

Oh, I've found, that I'm bound
To wander down that one way road
Oh, and I realize all about your lies
But I'm no wiser than the fool that I was before

"(y/n)! Where are you!" The Doctor hated himself, he had killed any love you had for him off by dancing with the one woman you never trusted him with. He didn't blame you for handing your ring back, he wouldn't blame you if you didn't take him back either. He was an ass and he knew it, but he wasn't ready to let you go.

I just want you closer
Is that alright?
Baby let's get closer tonight

The train of your dress flows behind you, the jewels sown into its fabric glint under the light of the moon. Solo tears create tracks down your cheeks, each one reminding you that the Doctor wasn't good for you. Despite that, you wanted to turn round, rip him away from River and just hold him. Something you hadn't done in a while because Dr. Song wouldn't leave the pair of you alone.

Faint yells sound in the blurred trees behind you, you ignore them until you realise who it is calling out. "(Y/n), would you stay put." you ignore the Doctor and continue to move forward, away from him and River.

Grant my last request
And just let me hold you
Don't shrug your shoulders
Lay down beside me
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere
But one last time let's go there
Ooh, lay down beside me

He groans out of frustration as he runs forward, the heaviness of each step spraying mud up his legs from the soaked dirt below. The Doctor grabs your arm, stopping you from moving further away from him. He blocks your path with his body, his chest flush against yours. His hand raises, in between pinched fingers is your abandoned ring.

"Please put it back on, this can't be the way we end." He takes your hand in his, you clench your fist, stopping him from sliding the ring on. "I was an ass, we both know that." The Doctor pulls your fingers out of their entrapment and slides the ring onto your finger. You wouldn't admit it but it didn't feel right without it on.

Oh, baby, baby, baby
Tell me how can, how can this be wrong?

"Give me a reason to take you back. I have spent the last hour watching you dance with...her." you could bring yourself to say the name that made your mouth taste vile. "Everyday since you proposed she has made sure she is there, pushing her way between us and you let her."

The Doctors eyes fall to the ground. "You can't leave me, you have to admit that nothing really feels right unless we're together. Life feels wrong when you're not there, please don't make me live in a world where I can't call you mine because I was an idiot."

Grant my last request
And just let me hold you
Don't shrug your shoulders
Lay down beside me
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere
But one last time let's go there
Lay down beside me

"How do I know you won't just run back to River?" He was so close to winning you back and you hated how easy you were to win over. The Doctor was right though, life wasn't the same when you weren't living it with him, even having your ring off felt wrong.

Grant my last request
And just let me hold you
Don't shrug your shoulders, no
Lay down beside me
Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere
But one last time let's go there
Lay down beside me

His arms wrap around your waist, he pulls you into him. The Doctors lips brush over your ear. "I will do anything to prove myself to you. I don't love her, not like I love you." His chin rests on the top of your head, your hands entwine behind his neck. "Marry me."

Oh, oh, yeah, lay down beside me

"River leaves." you say to him as he sways the pair of you, he nods, eager to please. "I said it once but I'll say it again, I will marry you." The Doctors smile is wider than the first time he heard you say that.

One last time let's go there

"You may now kiss the bride." he mumbles more to himself than you as he leans down, pressing his lips to yours into an emotional whirlpool of a kiss.

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