BirchWood Is No Place To Be

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Part 2

The cell door slams against the bars, the crack of metal on metal fills the room, drowning out the sound of your screams as you're pulled across the brick floor and out from under your bed.

"Get off of me," you shout as they continue to pull you by your legs out of your cell, the bricks rip at your skin, drawing blood out and into the freezing air. Your head slams against a metal bar, you take a sharp intake of breath as black spots fill your vision.

You were sick to your stomach, you knew where you were going. They were taking you to the Doctors 'surgery' which was really just a laboratory. Everyday he would shock you, he claimed it to be therapy but you claimed it to be torture. You were his favourite person here, he liked to experiment on you the most, he said it was because you were the most psycho person in the place.

The first time you met him was June the 1st 1865, you were twelve, he was still an asshole. You would cry for your mother but he claimed she never existed, she never brought you to this place, she was a figment of your imagination. Apparently you were pushed into here by a policemen, he said you were screaming in the middle of the road. You wore undignified clothes and had only a fob watch. You were crying for a Doctor so the policeman brought you here.

You were deemed as crazy. You had no family, no memories of your own and apparently you weren't really twelve when you arrived, you were actually twenty. You had made up eight years of your life. You had only been in the building for a year but it felt like an eternity.

The Doctor, who's name you learnt to be Abel, called you a freak. He wasn't wrong but he also wasn't right. He was abusive, he hurt you more than he healed you. He was no Doctor, he wasn't your Doctor.

He had stripped you of your clothes and had handed you a bloodied nightgown, he allowed you to keep your watch that rested upon your chest with a chain. He had only let you keep it so he could use it as a form of manipulation, if you misbehaved he would remove it from you.

The man pulling you down the hall lets go of your legs and instead pulls you to your feet with your hair, you shriek in fright as he slams you into a leather chair with metal restraints. He binds your arms and legs before leaving the way he came.

Abel walks towards you, a sinister smile on his face, "We are going to have some fun my dear."

You keep your eyes tightly shut as two metal rods are pressed against both sides of your head. A small shock causes your body to convulse, your eyes roll back and blood fills your mouth. Abel chuckles.

"This wouldn't keep happening dear if you were to stop talking to yourself." he says as he places the metal rods on a table. Your shaking stops and your head lulls to the side.

"Please stop, I can't take this anymore." tears fall from your eyes, blood runs down your chin. Abel shakes his head and wags infront of your face.

He sits next to you on a spare piece of chair, "You will take everything that I give you. Remember, I am healing you." he strokes hair out of your face, you tense under his touch.

The labs door opens a crack, one of Abel's men pop their head into the room, "There is a man here to see you."

Abel narrows his eyes as he stands from the chair, "Very well, send him in."

A man pushes through the door, a man you recognised all too well, "Doctor." you mumble as he steps into the light. The bow tie wearing man clenched his fists, the sight of you, his wife, making him almost drop his vow of non-physical violence.

Abel frowns at the Doctor, "What do you want, I am very busy." 

"I want her." the Doctor says calmly although his eyes conveyed something so different. If looks could kill Abel would be six feet under.

The Scientist shakes his head, "I'm afraid that is not possible, she is a patient under my care, i'm helping her."

"You're killing her. She is not an experiment, when I left her here she wasn't supposed to become someones lab project" The Doctor takes your hand, his fingers run over your bloody knuckles, "What has he done to you my love."

"My love?" you question, the Doctor gives you a soft smile and taps a finger on the fob watch around your neck.

"Open it as soon as possible. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."

Abel pulls the Doctor away from you, you frown.

"Leave, you have no authority here. She is mine." Abel snaps, the Doctors eyes darken.

"My wife is not yours to keep." the Doctor stares into Abel's eyes, "Either you give her to me now or I come back for her later. If I were you I wouldn't choose the latter."

Abel chuckles, "Your empty threats do not scare me, leave now before I get someone to remove you."

The Doctor rolls his shoulders, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance."

The Doctor gives you one last look, "I love you. I will be back." he turns and leaves the room.

Abel turns to you and smiles, "How sweet, the schizophrenic is in love. It's a shame, I would have loved to have taken you home after all of this."

Your eyes widen, "I would rather die."

The scientist calls for one of his men to take you back to your cell, the same man from earlier grabs you by your hair and drags you to you cell. You're screams echo around the building, no one could miss the terror.

You're slammed against the brick wall of your cell, black spots fill your vision as your head come into contact with the brick. Tears fall from your eyes as you thought of the Doctor, he loved you but you didn't know him. You look down at the watch around your neck and take it in your hands, there was nothing special about it, it was just an ordinary watch. You sigh as you press a button, opening the watch and releasing the real you back into the world.

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