Its A Small World: Part 1

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Cora and the squad stood in line for 'It's a Small World After All' pondering life's deepest questions. "What the bloody hell is a squad?" Captain Hook asked, looking at the others beside him. Henry cheerfully replied. "A squad is like your clique. It's the people you hang out with. Or, since you're a pirate..... A squad is your crew." Hook nodded understandingly. "Ah, I get it." Regina scrunched up her eyebrows. "Is understandingly even a word???" Emma shrugged, holding Regina's hand. "Beats me. My phone doesn't count it as improper grammar when I type it in...." Cora looked at Emma and scowled slightly. "Nobody asked you, blondie. And besides, what's this ride supposed to be like??" Finally, it was Neal's turn to speak. "The rides about-" He was cut off by Emma. "It's about-" Cora put her hand up. "You have to many damn lines. Let Neal talk." Neal smiled brightly. "Thank you Cora. Ok, so what the ride is about is different cultures getting together and proving that it truly is a small world, because no matter how different we are, we are all one race. And that is the human race." Neal was about to continue before Emma kept jabbering on. "It's about different people of different cultures bonding over how different yet how alike they are. During the ride, they begin to sing 'Its a small world after all, it's a small world after all- I'll just let you ride it...." Roland, who had been listening to Emma, fell in love with the tune and the way it was sung. "I wanna go on that daddy!!! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" He shouted, pulling his father into the line, to Cora's dismay. Regina grabbed her mothers arm, dragging her along to the line with the others following behind them.

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