House of Horrors

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As Henry walked behind Killian, with flashing lights in the pitch dark, Emma looked around the walk through maze before a Chucky doll animatronic popped out at her, laughing maniacally. Emma screamed at the highest pitch possible before trying to push Regina and the others ahead. Cora found herself alone as she looked around the place, a werewolf jumped out. "Holy F---, ITS SATAN COMING TO GET ME!!!!!!" She screamed before running off and bumping into Mary Margaret and David. "Are we safe here?" She asked the former prince and princess. Mary Margaret gulped a bit, as Frankenstein walked out with his arms in front of him. "Uhhhh..." He groaned, as David looked at him with Snow screaming like a fangirl at a 1D concert. Henry walked ahead of the group as he stood behind Killian, with his mothers, Gold and Belle close behind him, he decided to have a little fun. He squatted down and tugged at Killian's feet as Killian began screaming like a girl and running off. Henry and the others began laughing when a performer popped out, chuckling as the group ran like hell.
As the posse reunited outside of the attraction they looked to see if they were missing anybody. "Has anybody seen my parents?" Emma asked with a raised eyebrow and a bit of concern on her face. "Where's my mother?" Regina asked in a panic as they noticed the others running out, Snow and Cora screaming bloody murder. "OH MY GOD, TRUST NOBODY!!!!" Snow yelled as Emma gave a light chuckle. Cora ran to Regina and hugged her tightly. "Mother, what is the cause of this?" Cora looked at Regina with widened eyes. "I almost f---ing died." She said seriously.

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