11. home sweet hole

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Oli's pov

The week goes by fast and now I'm unlocking my house door. Kellin is hiding behind me grabbing my hips from behind. He remains me of a little kid sometimes with how he acts.

Maybe its because he's really shy and cries about things like yesterday. Yesterday I had to go to the store and left without telling him because he was sleeping and I just needed cigarettes but he cried because he woke up alone and apparently Jordan asked him if he wanted food. It's not accurate to diagnose people without actually having a license and stuff but I'm pretty sure he has PTSD and separation anxiety. Maybe depression but I dont know.

He just doesn't seem to have an appetite but he says he doesn't care about his weight. I know how that feels, I never feel hungry unless I'm high off of marijuana. It's hard to sneak ketamine with kellin around me 24/7 but thankfully I've been able to hide it. I know he knows I've done it before we texted a lot about my addiction but he hasn't brought it up.

"I have dogs but they are at my brothers house right now and we got back a day early so I'm not going to get them until tomorrow," I say as I open my door. The dark wooden door squeaks as it opens and reveals my dark lonely house.

He peers in at it and I feel like hes judging it for looking so vacant. I turn on the lights and they seem dim but that's how they always look. My house is clean but unorganized. We walk in so I shut the front door and he takes off his shoes. I do the same and then he looks around. He looks at the furniture and then at the closed doors suspiciously.

Its almost like watching a dog come to a new home. Very curious yet cautious. "What rooms am I not allowed in?" He asks looking at me with something I cant read. It's like he's expecting me to not let him in my rooms?

"You're allowed to go in any room you want at any time," I say and his eyebrows knit together in confusion. He looks at the kitchen.

"When am I allowed to go in the kitchen?" He asks. This poor boy..

"Whenever you want," I answer and he frowns.

"Well.. what's the rules? I dont want to break any on accident," he says shyly.

"Rules? Uh.. try not to break anything? But if you do its perfectly fine just tell me and I'll clean it up and replace it if I think it's worth replacing. Same with food, if you eat or drink the rest of something just remind me to pick up some more of it," I answer and he looks bewildered.

"Do I sleep on the couch?" He asks looking at it.

"You are scared of the dark and every night have slept either next to me or on top of me. You're welcome to sleep in my bed with me," I answer and he looks like he doesn't believe the stuff I'm telling him.

"I'm allowed to wear all my clothes whenever I want?" He says and I feel my soul tighten. His ex was super horrible and creepy. Hes 7 years younger than me and I find that almost to big of an age gap. It's not but him and a 32 year old? That's too much.

"Kellin.. of course. You can literally do anything you want in here. I trust you to make smart decisions. Like I dont think you need rules because I trust you wont do something like pee on my playstation. But if you want we'll make that a rule. No peeing on thing other than in the toilet and we are all good," I say and he just looks at me and then around the house.

My dog peed on the playstation last year so I had to buy a new one. I don't think I need rules because he seems like he wont break the invisible rules ever house has like no breaking things on purpose or throwing away things that are important. I sit on the end of the couch and he comes over and gets next to me and puts his head on the arm rest that my side is touching and lays his body on my lap.

Carefully I wrap one are around his torso and with my other hand I get the remote and turn on the tv. Hes really comfortable to have around. Now I can just be sad and not sad and lonely. "Oli?" He asks quietly.

"Yes princess?"

"Could we watch cartoons? I want allowed to watch them.." he says and I turn on Nickelodeon.

"Definitely," I say. I don't ever watch cartoons anymore but maybe I should. I kinda miss them. Danny phantom comes on and Kellin becomes absorbed into the show. I watch it slightly amused but my main focus is on him.

He's so cute.



Rawr I'm boring

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