Acrobat x Depressed!Child!fem!Reader

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Requested by EchoJustice

Back with another angst but eventually fluff


I hope you like it darling <3

Ah, what a day in Oletus Manor.

Today is unusually quiet, but it was a bliss to some people. There are still matches and stuff, but it feels more laid-back than usual. Even the hunters did a friendly match, ALL hunters did a friendly match.

It was weird, but a good weird. Finally a peaceful day in the manor. All the survivors tried to enjoy the peacefulness, like taking a nap, reading a book, or having a quiet tea time. And of course sometimes things are too good to be true.


"HOLY SHI--WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" Freddy who's just enjoying his afternoon tea got startled by the explosion-like sound.

"D-did the hunters finally decided to attack us off-match??" Tracy hid herself behind a couch.

"There's no way that would happen right? But seriously, what was that?" Fiona sweatdropped.

"Well....seeing who's not present in the room other than the ones who are doing a match right now. I think we can safely say who did it and what happened" Jose motioned everyone to look around the room.

"Mike and (y/n)" Tracy stated.


"*cough**cough*" The little girl coughed as she fanned in front of her face with her hand.

"So? How was that (y/n)? With this new fire ball formula, it can create a much larger explosion and fire. Not only that, it lasts longer too!" Mike cheered.

"That's really cool Mike! But maybe let's not do it inside the manor next time..?" The little girl looked around the room.

In this quiet day, Mike asked (y/n) to join him with experimenting with new formulas for his balls in his room. The two are close with each other, because both are two balls of sunshine that can rival each other's cheerfulness.... and childlishness. It may made sense for (y/n) because she's a literal child, but Mike is no different than the little girl. That's why most of the time, other survivors wouldn't let these two alone without supervision.

Like right now. The other survivors just took their eyes off them for a moment, yet the two of survivors managed to make a giant explosion inside the manor. Now Mike's room is filled with smoke and small patches of fire in some places.

"Yeah, I agree haha! Let's clean this place now" Mike chuckled. He opened the window to let the smoke out.

"Ouch!" (y/n) shrieked in pain, Mike immediately turned his head.

"(y/n) what's wrong!?"

"Oh uhh...nothing. I tried to move your burning sheets, but I held too close to the fire ahahaha" (y/n) scratched the back of her head.

"I see, did you burn yourself?"

"Nope! Totally fine" The little girl gave the Acrobat a thumbs up.

"Okay, just be careful okay?"


Mike and (y/n) cleaned the room. It was quite hard to clean because just like Mike said, it's a new formula. The fire took some time extinguish, a lot of gunpowder residue are on the floor, and ashes are flying everywhere made it quite hard to breathe. But somehow or another, they managed to clean it all up.

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