Axe Boy x Child!fem!Reader

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Requested by Siniora-Chan

Ah young love. Imma have so much fun writing this.

Also another 3rd person POV for spicing things up.

I hope you like it darling <3

Robbie is in a match.

A friendly match, in fact.

Robbie is not in the mood of playing a serious match. All he wanted to do today is play, with anybody really. I mean, he's still a child so the tendency to always want to play is within him.

At this point, all the ciphers are done. Robbie and two survivors are playing, while one is typing in the password for the exit gate.

When the exit gates are open, the three survivors said their thanks and goodbye to Robbie for the friendly match.

"One, two, three...wait" Robbie counted, there were only three survivors.

Where's the other one? More likely who's the other one? When Robbie waited in the hunter's waiting room, he didn't pay any attention on who the survivors was.


Robbie heard an alert, it was coming from within the map.


He heard the alert again. This survivor must have crows circling their head by now. He wonders what they're doing, there's more than enough time to open the other exit gate.

Curious, he went to where the alerts are coming from to check out what's happening.

The alerts are coming from one corner of the map. When he arrived, he saw a girl. Not just a girl, the new survivor. Just like what Robbie heard, the new survivor is a little child around his age, maybe younger. She seems to be looking for something.

Robbie came closer to the survivor. The survivor is shorter than him. The survivor noticed, probably from the heartbeat, and turned her head.

"Oh! Hello there!" The new survivor greeted.

Robbie is kind of surprised, is she not gonna run away? He didn't met the survivor the entire match and all three other survivors are with him the entire time, so there's no way that she knows that he's friendly.

"Hello, you're not gonna run away?" Robbie asked the survivor.

"No, I know you're friendly" The survivor replied.

"How do you know I was friendly?" Robbie asked again.

"Well, nobody is hurt during the match and 3 people got contaiment master at the same time. I mean I could be wrong but I guess I was right!"

"I see, some survivors who hadn't met during previous matches didn't know I was friendly. In the end I couldn't play with them. Anyway, what are you doing? Why haven't you exited the map?"

"Oh! I was looking for the dungeon. One of my goals for today is escape through the dungeon but.....I haven't seen it"

"The dungeon.....Oh! I know where the dungeon is! I saw it earlier!" Robbie told the survivor.

"Really!? Can you take me there?pleaseee?"

"Of course! Let's play too while we walk there!"

"let's! What should we play??"

"Hmmm let's play I spy! I'm first! I spy with my little eye something beginning with uhhhhh..... R!"

The survivor looks around whilst thinking.

Identity V x Child!Fem!Reader Oneshots (REQUEST CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now