Unfinished Business

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"Ohh, having this much fun should be against the law." Tommy says as Quinten and I walk into Verdant.

"If only wishing made it so. Sorry, am I interrupting anything?" Quinten asks them and Oliver and I share a look before I look towards Tommy.

"Is Laurel okay?" He asks us.

"She'e fine, Tommy. This is about something else." I tell him and look to Quinten for him to take the lead.

"A girl just got mowed down a couple blocks from here. On the Starling Bridge. Ring any bells with you two?" He asks them showing them a picture of her laying in tue street.

"No." Tommy says looking away from it.

"Should she?" Oliver asks us and I pull out an evidence bag from my pocket.

"She was here tonight." I tell them showing them the Verdant wristband.

"A lot of people were." Tommy tells them and I give him an apologetic look. I don't mean to blame them, it was just a case.

"You think someone killed her?" Oliver asks us.

"Not someone, something." Quinten tells them setting down the bag of pills in front of them.

"Vertigo." Oliver says plainly.

"You got a problem with it in this club?" Quinten asks them and I hold back a sigh and look over at him.

"Not that I'm aware of." Tommy tells us.

"We don't allow drugs in here, detectives." Oliver tells us his eyes staying on me.

"Control your clientele, before anyone else wanders into traffic." Quinten tells them and Oliver grabs my wrist before I can walk away.

"Can we talk?" He asks me and I shake my head turning to look at Quinten.

"We've got other things to do for this case, Oliver. I've got to go." I tell him and turn to leave with Quinten.


"We just need to ask him a few questions, doc." Quinten tells the Doctor at the psychiatric care facility the Count was at.

"Oh, you're welcome to try, detective but I'm not sure you'll get very far with him." The doctor at the psychiatric hospital tells Quinten and I.

"And what does that mean? Is this a load about doctor-patient privilege?" Quinten asks him and I sigh. Quinten could be a bit intense at times.

"Oh, far from it, the unrefined vertigo overdoes he suffered, caused damage to the caudal portion of his anterior cingulate." The doctor explains to us as we make our way up a set of stairs.

"Courtesy of your friends who are running around in Halloween costumes." Quinten tells me and I grimace at the memory.

"Well, you'll probably be shocked to hear that I didn't go to medical school." Quinten says louder to the doctor now.

"I've been working with him for months now and all I've gotten out of him is the word salad and the occasional spit in the face. Best of luck to you." He explains to us, dumbing it down to Quinten.

"Yep, thanks." I tell him quietly, being glad to even contribute that to this conversation. I was nervous to see this guy after everything the hood and I had done that night. His operation almost killed myself and Thea, and almost sent the ladder to jail, so I can't say he was a good person, but he didn't deserve this.

"You have failed this city. You have failed this city! You have failed this city!" We hear the guys screaming as the doctor opens the door to his room. He was on the ground screaming this.

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