Year's End

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    "Hey, did you want to go to the Queen's last minute Christmas party?" Felicity asks me.

   "Yeah, Thea is forcing me to be there. And I am forcing you." I tell her and she laughs.

   "Wow, I thought I was going to be the one convincing you." She tells me. 

   "Wait, how did you know about it?" I ask her after a moment.

   "Oliver, asked me... to ask you... to go." She says slowly and I give her a look. "Look, I know it's probably weird but I think he just really wanted you there." She tells me and I sigh.

   "It's fine, Thea will still make me go. It doesn't change anything." I tell her. "Speaking of, we should really get going and ready for that." I tell her and she nods. I head to my room and put on my red dress. I do my make up and curl my hair. I grab my heels and my purse. I put on my long black coat and grab Thea's present.

   "Fe Fe! We should get going." I say from my room and she walks out into the hallway. "Wow! You look hot." I tell her and she smiles.

   "As do you." She tells me and I smile.

   "Let's go." I tell her and hook elbows.


    "Hey, I'm glad you guys could make it." Oliver tells us as he opens the door and lets us in.

   "Yeah, wouldn't miss it." I tell him. "There's Thea, I'm going to go give her her present." I tell him and make my way around him.  "Hey." I say and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

   "Don't mean to make you seem uncool but here is your present." I tell her handing her the box.

   "Thanks, Emmie." She says and I kiss her cheek.

   "Of course. And who is this?" I ask looking towards her friend. He introduces himself. "He's cute." I whisper in her ear and she smiles. "You two have fun." I tell them.

   "I think there's someone who wants to see you." She tells me pointing over my shoulder and I see Oliver walking over to me and turn to see Thea and her friend leaving.

   "Hi." He says and holds out his hand. "A dance?" He asks and I sigh before taking his hand.

   "I suck at dancing, you know this." I tell him and he laughs.

   "It isn't a waltz, just don't step on my feet." He tells me and I give him a look.

   "No promises." I tell him and he takes my hands and puts them on his shoulders and puts his hands on my waist. "What're you doing, Ollie?" I ask him.

   "I'm dancing..." He says slowly.

   "No, I mean with me. What do you want?" I ask him.

   "I'm not sure. But I know that I can't stop thinking about you. And I know that I like you, more than a best friend should." He tells me and I pull away.

   "I need you to figure it out. You know where I stand. Figure out where you stand." I tell him and walk away to go find Felicity.


   "Thank you, for coming." Oliver tells me and I nod. "It's nice to spend sometime with you during the holidays." He tells me and I smile.

   "Yeah, it was fun." I tell him and he smiles.

   "I missed the holidays, on the island there was no christmas or anything. You sort of loose track of days. I'm glad I could do this for my family and friends." He tells me and I smile.

   "It was really nice of you. You're a good brother, and son." I tell him and turn to leave.

  "Wait, I didn't give you your gift yet." He tells me and hands me a small box.

   "You didn't have to do that." I tell him and he shakes his head.

    "Come on, of course I got you something." He tells me and I smile.

    "I actually got you something, too." I tell him and pull out a wrapped book out of my purse. "It's um... it's kinda stupid. Just open it." I tell him and he smiles and does.

   "The Odyssey?" He asks me and I nod.

   "I remembered it was the only book you read in college. A few years ago, maybe two? I saw it in a book store and immediately thought of you. It was the first time that I didn't feel sad remembering you. I was just happy to have the memories." I tell him and he smiles at me. "I told you it was stupid." I said with a laugh.

   "No, it's um... it's actually kind of amazing." He tells me and I smile.

   "I should get going. Felicity's in the car." I tell him and he nods.

   "Tell her Happy Hanukkah for me." He tells me and I nod and grab my coat.


I grab the small box that's sitting in-front of me on the bed and open the wrapping paper gently. I take it off and reveal a black velvet box. I open it and see a beautiful arrowhead necklace. I smile and clip it around my neck as my phone rings.

"Hey, Thea, what's up?"

     "That was Thea, Oliver was hit by a semi on his bike. He's in the hospital." I tell Felicity rushing into the living room and grabbing my coat.

   "Go, I'll stay here. Call me if you need anything." She tells me and I nod and grab my keys.

    "Is he okay?" I ask Diggle outside of Oliver's hospital room.

   "Yeah, he's asleep now but you're welcome to go in." He tells me and I nod.  

    "Thanks Diggle." I say and go into the hospital room. I place the Big Belly Burger bag on the side table and pull the chair closer to his bedside. I take his hand in mine and lean my forehead on it. He moves and I look up to see him awake. "Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I tell him with a smile, tears in my eyes.

   "That's alright." He says and I lean back but still hold onto his hand.

   "I always hated that death machine." I tell him and he laughs.

   "What are you talking about? You love motorcycles." He tells me and I smile.

   "Yeah, I don't love them so much when you're getting hurt on them." I tell him and he smiles. 
"I brought you some food." I tell him and look over to the bag of food.

   "Thanks. I'll eat it in a little." He tells me and I nod. "You're wearing the necklace." He says with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not against good taste in jewelry. Is it okay if I just sit here for a little?" I ask him and he nods. I smile and lay my head back down above our intertwined hands.

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