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           (This takes place 6 weeks later)

I walk over to Lance's desk and make sure no one is around before taking the phone he uses to contact the hood. I take off the case and put a bug on the back and return the case on it. I put it back and make my way back to my desk.


"That wasn't very nice." I say as I jump down off a pillar and land on the over head landing off the burning building. I see a person in a suit and I can't see his face and he's holding a firefighter by the hand. He's slipping so I move closer. "Just think about this, you don't have to hurt anyone." I tell him and he looks to me before letting go of the man and I run to save him but can't catch him.

The man flips me over but I grab a hold of the bar and use my hands to walk down a ways away from him as the hood guy comes down and they start fighting. I pull myself up and see a bomb go off and the man walking away. The hood guy is laying on the ground.

"You let him get away!" I tell him and help him up.

"I didn't let him." He tells me.

"Where the hell have you been these past few weeks?" I ask him.

"I think the more important question is who are you?" He asks me.

"I'm a person trying to help my city. Obviously the only one these past few weeks." I tell him and turn and walk away.


"Hey, what're you doing here?" Oliver asks us as Laurel and I walk up to the fire station.

"I told Joanna I'd clean out Danny's locker." Laurel tells him.

"Here to help. And you?" I ask him.

"Tommy sent me over to make sure the guest list for the Firemen's Gala was accurate." Oliver tells us.

"Tommy's been working very hard on that. It's very generous of you, Oliver." Laurel tells him and I smile.

"It's truly not. Speaking of Tommy he told me that you're being very protective of your drawers." Oliver tells her and I stifle a laugh. "This is not a fancy term for your underwear."

"Are you and I seriously having this discussion?" Laurel asks him.

"Yes. Tommy asked for a drawer." Laurel tells him annoyed.

"And this is bad?" Oliver asks her.

"No, it's just... I'm an all or nothing type of girl. First it's a drawer, then it's a closet, half my rent, half my life. And am I really ready do that with Tommy?" Laurel asks him.

"Then take things slow." He tells her.

"I don't take things slow, remember? I close my eyes and I jump just like you. I think that's why we spooked each other. Our feelings, our fears, they control us, it's not the other way around, you know?" Laurel asks him.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty good at taking things slow these days." He tells her but he's looking at me. "I was actually wondering, Emmaline, would you be my plus one for the Firemen Gala?" He asks me and I turn to Laurel and she smiles and so I turn to him with a smile.

"I'd love that." I tell him and he smiles. "We should get inside." I tell him and take Laurel's arm.

"We did some research, there are eight firemen in this picture. You called yourselves the fireflies." Laurel tells him as we shows him a picture.

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