Lone Gunman

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    "Imagine my surprise when a desked officer is asking for a file on a murder." Quinten says walking over to me and taking the file out of my hands.

   "I want on the case." I tell him and he laughs.

   "You're not on any cases, you were shot at. You do paperwork." He tells me and walks away leaving me irritated and annoyed.

   "Hey, when do you get off?" Laurel asks me walking over to my desk.

   "Um, now." I tell her looking at the clock and grab my bag.

   "Good, we are going out tonight, drinking." She tells me and I give her a look. "Come on, my friend from work is dragging me, and I am dragging you. Let's get you home and ready." She tells me dragging me outside.


Laurel and I sit at the bar and her friend is dancing and moving her finger, calling us over and we shake our heads and the bartender gives me two shots.

   "Thank you." I tell him and smile.

   "Oh, wow! Doesn't you going out and having fun violate some kind of law, you know, like the ones that are carved in a stone tablet?" Tommy asks walking over to us with Oliver.

   "That's cute, Tommy." Laurel tells him.

   "If it was Tommy, you wouldn't know, you failed government." I tell him and he puts his hand over his heart looking at me with fake hurt. But Oliver, is just looking at me. I look away from him and back to Laurel.

   "I can see you two are up to your old hunting patterns." Laurel tells them.

   "Just seeing what passes for fun in Starling City after five years." Oliver tells us.

  "Ah, well I'm sure you'll find that it just hasn't been the same without you." Laurel tells him.

   "Speaking of fun, I'm here to have some. Excuse me." I say taking my last shot going to leave but Thea walks over stopping me.

   "Big brother! Emmie!" She says grabbing us. "I am so wasted right now, there's four of you guys." She tells us with a laugh.

"I thought you were grounded?" Oliver asks her and I turn to him confused.

   "Grounded?" I ask.

   "I am. And thank you, thank you for that, by the way." She tells him.

   "You're done for the night." He tells her.

   "Oh, what're you gonna do, tell mom?" She asks him.

   "Thea! You are hanging with the wrong people." He tells her sternly.

   "You're one to talk. Uh, how much do you know about your own so-called friends over here?" She asks pointing to us.

   "Oh, Thea maybe you should-"

   "Tommy! I think your BFF has a right to know." She tells him.

   "Thea." I warn her.

   "Thea, let's go." Oliver tells her.

   "I guess they didn't tell you that they've been screwing while you were gone." She starts and looks over at them.

   "Look man-"

   "Tommy, It's okay." Oliver tells him and then Thea turns to look at me.

   "And then there's Emmaline. Sweet best friend, Emmaline. Or does she want to be more than best friends." Thea tells him and I just look at her hurt that she could tell him.

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