Honor Thy Father

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   "That will be the pizza." I say to myself getting up and heading to the door, but when I open it I see Oliver there. "Hey, thought you were the pizza guy." I say and he smiles. "What're you doing here?" I ask him.   

   "Just wanted to talk." He tells me and I nod opening the door.

   "Yeah, of course. I'm just working on a case, nothing that can't wait a little." I tell him and close the door.

   "Where's Felicity?" He asks me and sits down on the couch.

   "Out of town for a few days." I tell him and he nods. "So what did you want to talk about?" I ask him sitting next to him.

   "Thea, she pointed out that I may have been distant, since I got back, and she mentioned that it might be good if I opened up to someone." He tells me and I nod.

   "It makes sense," I start and he looks at me. "That you were closed off. I don't know what you went through on that island, but it couldn't have been good. So, it makes sense that you need time to adjust." I tell him and he smiles and places a bag on the table.

   "How do you just get it? Everyone is pushing for me to open up and asking about what happened and you're the only person I can think of that hasn't asked me, hasn't pushed me." He tells me and I smile.

   "It's because I know you, everyone sees you as this playboy jerk who just likes to party but I know the real you. Also, you definitely matured on that island, despite how you try to make people believe you haven't. I know you will open up when you're ready." I tell him and lean into my couch, my legs crossed underneath my butt.. "What's in the bag?" I ask him with a small smile.

   "I thought about so many things on the island but there was one thing that I thought about every day. I actually dreamed about it, and I promised myself that if I ever got a chance to do it again... I'd do it with you." He tells me and I scrunch up my face in confusion before he pulls out a pint of ice cream. "Eat ice cream." He tells me and I laugh.

   "Ollie, do you know how wrong that sounded at first?" I ask him and get up to grab spoons and come back to him looking at my laptop screen. "Hey, mister, that's a case." I tell him and close the screen.

   "A case on Martin Somers." He says and I nod.

   "Yeah, I was just going over the case again, seeing if we missed anything for Laurel's case. I was just helping Laurel with it." I tell him and we both take a seat on the ground.

   "He's really dangerous, Em." Ollie tells me and I nod.

   "Yeah, that's why were suing him, he had a man killed." I tell him seriously and he gives me a look. "So, are we gonna eat this ice cream or not?" I ask him and hand him a spoon and he opens the carton.

  "It's as good as I remember." He tells me and I smile and take another spoon of it. "So, how exactly did you know you wanted to be a detective?" He asks me.

"It's a long story." I tell him taking another bite.

"Come on, I want to know everything that happened." He tells me and I sigh and take another bite of ice cream.

"Okay, a little after you were... gone, I was kidnapped. They wanted to know if the whole boat thing was real, and if I knew anything about it." I tell him and he looks shocked. "I was there for maybe 2-3 weeks. That's how I got this." I tell him lifting up my shirt to the left side showing him a scar. "Eventually they either figured I didn't know anything or the police actually did find me, but once I was home, I started work on figuring out if your boat going down was an accident. It just seemed like too big of a coincidence to not look into. Quinten reached out after a few months, told me to stop wasting my life. Said that he would help me get into the police academy. So I took some self defense classes and martial arts. Learned about 3 different weapons, I didn't want to be weak anymore." I told him, not looking at him and he looked heartbroken.

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