A sky without the moon & stars

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"What? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him, then paused "oh James this is Anisha and Anisha he's my little brother, James."

"You didn't tell me." He said

"Okay now tell me exactly what happened, no lies or secrets." I said in an elder sister kind of voice.

He then told me everything, and it turned out to be exactly what I had experienced. What was happening?

I tried to come up with theories like it was a prank or we had some psychological disorder but I couldn't get myself to believe either of them.

Of course as a fan of the paranormal I thought of that as an option but why us?

"From when did these weird attacks start?" Anisha asked

"When school started." I replied

"Okay..." she said stretching the words.

From the look on her face I could make out that she was trying to understand what was happening, I'm guessing she succeeded in it?

"You guys aren't hiding anything right?" she asked giving us suspicious looks

"Well...I the day before we moved here I would see this green light which appeared to dissolve the sky." I said

"Same here" James said

"So what you have told me so far was that a day before shifting here you guys saw a green light dissolving the sky, after the first day of school you saw your surrounds get dissolved by a green light or liquid and then you would hear the sound of liquid dripping. Any movement you guys made when you were stuck in this alternate dimension thingy was punished with electric shocks. Correct me if I'm wrong about the information I just mentioned?" Anisha asked

"You forgot that after the sound of liquid dripping there was a slight burning sound." Said James

She nodded.

"Did you guys notice anything weird going on lately?" she asked after a slight pause

"I'm not sure if it's weird but there is an SKP symbol on almost all the furniture in the house." I said

"I noticed it too." Said James "should we Google it?"


James opened his laptop and was googling what SKP stood for. The first few searches were useless as all fertilizers came up on the screen. Which was NPK and not SKP.

Finally after a couple of searches something sensible came up. It was a picture of our mansion and the title of the web page was 'Sylvester K Pierce and The Victorian Mansion'.

As soon as we saw it, James clicked on it and it opened the web page where the following information was displayed:

Sylvester K. Pierce was a famous chair manufacturer in the 1800.He was one of the most well-known manufacturers of his time and made his city proud. In the year 1875 Mr. Pierce made a huge profit in a manufacturing deal which led to the creation of the majestic Victorian Mansion where he lived with his two sons John. K Pierce and Paul K. Pierce. Not long after the creation of the mansion Mr. Pierce died passing on the property to his sons who died not long after their father.

The house was then abandoned for a few years and was then bought by a wealthy businessman, who died a year later in the mansion. The later owners of the mansion also died in a year or two, inside the mansion. The way they died isn't understood yet by forensic analyst and the most mysterious part was they all died it the same way.

This was one of the scariest articles I have read in my life, and what made it scarier was the fact that it was my house! These people died in the house I'm living in. god, I might faint or die who knows.

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