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It had been two months now since Rosa stopped haunting my family. Of course we moved from that haunted mansion in to a much nicer place. It was a beautiful white bungalow with a huge backyard and a swimming pool. And the best part about this bungalow was that it was built last year so now ghosts are attached with it, yay!

Ariana's parents also moved to the city and bought the neighboring bungalow which was amazing.

Even at school the rumors of me being a paranormal creature died down since there were better things which happened in school and also I had spent most of the time in the hospital rather than in school and now finally all my broken bones and bleeding cuts were healed.

When summer break began (which began three days back btw) I decided that it was going to be a time to chill and take a dip in the our newly owned pool. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed because I had recently got injured and jumping in to the pool was the last thing I should do and after that was a huge explanation on how my stitches would open up if I divided in an eight feet pool due to the pressure created.

So all that I did for the past three days was binge watch The Big Bang Theory on Netflix which meant that I didn't have to leave my room. I would have been done with the show if I stayed up late but James went behind my back and told mum that I was up till 3am, so now I had to sleep by 12am, max.

Today, I was alone at my home since mum and dad had to go for a business conference and James went to his friend's house so I decided to use the TV instead of my laptop.

Then after almost half the day was over I heard the doorbell.

Who could it be? I wasn't expecting someone at 6pm.

It was Nick.

"hi, what are you doing here?" I asked "come inside"

"well...I had an idea"

"go on"

"and I spoke to your parents who spoke to your doctor and they said ok"

"to what?"

"you'll figure out"

Then I just looked at the reflection of myself on a pair of sunglasses kept on the breakfast table and realized that I was in pajamas which I had been wearing for two days that had pizza stains on it.

"you know what" I said, a little embarrassed "I'm just gonna shower and put on some fresh clothes. I'll see you in 10 minutes?"

Saying this I ran upstairs to shower as I heard Nick laugh downstairs.

I tried to shower and dress up as quick as possible but I kept on thinking about his 'idea' what was it exactly I had no clue. I mean, I was excited but a part of me was also scared.

"okay, now tell me your 'idea" I said as I walked down the stairs

As I walked he just stood up from the sofa and just stared at me. Ugh, why do guys do that girls.

"what? Stop looking at me like that?" I said, turning a little red.

"oh...I'm sorry. It's just that you look nice."

"thanks" I said wondering what he liked in a simple blue dress "so now, tell me?"

"why don't I show it to you instead?"


Soon I found myself in Nick's car. What was happening?

"where are you taking me?"

"it's a surprise"

I just shook my head

"how long is the drive gonna be?" I asked

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