Live My Life

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I ran to the dining room, jumping over the broken glass pieces as I screamed weakly "Rosa?"

I was extremely terrified and hoped that she wouldn't show up but she did. And she looked like living hell with her blood stained and torn wedding grown along with a rope in one hand and a bottle of green liquid in the other hand.

"calling me?" she asked bitterly

"what do you want from me?"



"you don't need to know" saying this she moved closer towards me as I ran to hide behind the sofa.

While running my hand caught on to a not-quite sturdy surface due to which I fell down and along with me a tiny object fell down. It was the necklace.

I wasn't sure what I should have done with it whether I should have thrown it or kept it but for some unknown reason I decided to keep the necklace in my pant pocket and stood up to run.

On standing up, a huge shot of pain passed through my spinal cord which later was transferred to my entire body. I fell on the floor due to the shock, I didn't faint nor did I fell like dying instead I felt energized and the courage level in my body increased. How did all this happen through a painful shock?

In a few minutes I stood up and looked around, Rosa was no where to be seen. I checked in the bedroom, bathrooms and the kitchen and then headed to the living room to watch some TV.

"thank god she's gone" I muttered under my breathe as I reached for the television remote.

"when did I go, you pathetic idiot?" I heard a voice from my left say.

It was Rosa.

I almost had a mini heart attack, when I saw Rosa and it took some time for my breath and heart rate to return to normal.

"what?" I said, with a mildly courageous voice.

"shut up!" she yelled

I remained silent since I was scared she would kill me in a gruesome manner, but the silence didn't help me get rid of that thought since she stared directly at me. Her face depicted anger and her blood red iris didn't make it easy to look her in the eye.

"why are you doing this?" I asked, breaking the unbearable silence. I knew she wouldn't answer but I needed to do something to get rid of her horrible stare.

"stop talking, now." she said with a weak voice.

I don't know what was in that question which caused her to sound like a baby deer. It could have been her weakness, I guess so I decided to try to get some answers, even though I knew it was risky.

"answer my question Rosa!" I said, trying to sound powerful but I failed, miserably

"No" she whispered


"cause you don't need to know."

"why is that?"

"because you are going to die!" she yelled on the top of her voice

In a few seconds I found myself floating in the air, a rope tied around my shoulders, stomach and my legs choking me like hell. And for some unknown reason the rope seem to burn my skin causing me to scream in pain.

Hearing my screams Rosa let out an evil laugher and tighten the grip of the ropes around my body. I let out an extremely loud cry which our neighbors would have heard if they even existed.

Only a few seconds had passed but it felt like hours of pain and suffering, I even stopped screaming, due to the lack of oxygen reaching my lungs, but that just increased the amount of tears falling out of my eyes.

"please stop!" I yelled in pain.

Rosa just laughed but stopped all of a sudden as she moved closer towards me. Now, she was just a few inches away from my face. She appeared to be studying my expression and then she moved back, swiftly.

"you want to know why I am I doing don't you?" she asked, tightening the grip of the ropes.


"nice melody, but work on the pitch girl." she smirked

"please" I cried



"because you are going through nothing."

Okay, I don't know what was her definition of 'nothing' but this wasn't 'nothing'

"nothing?" I said softly, knowing it would backfire and that I soon would be dead.

"what you have, you stupid fool is better than what I had" she yelled "I had to work hard in silence and no one knew about it. no one! I never received any money or credit for my work, it all went to my selfish brothers and you know what I did? I did nothing at all! I blindly followed my father's instructions and do you know where that got me? Do you?! It got me married at 16 to a murderer! And do you know what I did next? I pretended to be happy, 'at least I'll get a grand wedding' was what I thought. But are you aware about what happened next? I was killed with acid on my wedding day! So believe me when I say you are going through nothing. Nothing at all!"

She suddenly disappeared when she finished speaking, and along with her those stupid ropes also went away and I fell down on the ground (sprained a couple bones, I guess).

"Rosa?" I yelled, just to make sure she was gone "Rosa?"

No response.

I guess she really was gone.

After a few minutes, I stood up to go to the washroom since the first aid kit was over there. As soon as I stood up realization hit me.

I finally knew why Rosa was attacking me and now I knew how to stop her...

Chapter cover credit: Whitechapel (PINTEREST)

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