Bright light shine

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This part is  longer than the first part,
And uses a significant amount of description. If you're someone who isnt a fan of descriptions, you might need to skip a page or two... 😅

The sun was shining brightly as my eyes opened. I immediately got out of bed and rushed to the hall. My parents sat at the dinner table eating their cereal quietly. I noticed the dark circles below their eyes indicating that they had been packing till midnight.

"Good morning" I said, sitting at the table.

"Good morning sweetie. Slept well?" my mom asked

"Yes, but it looks like you guys were up late." I said. I was pretty sure I knew the reason my mom would give.

"Oh not very late, just packing the essentials." Mom said.

I guessed right.

"Have you see your brother? He hasn't even started packing yet." My dad said

"No I haven't seen him, just let me check." As I said this I walked to his room.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, slowly pushing the door open.

"Nothing, just packing." He said.

I glanced around his room and saw a pile of clothes in each corner of the room and his books scattered on the floor.

"Do you need help?" I asked, turning towards him

"Nope I'm good." He said, sitting on the bed.

"Fine. Whatever you say." Saying this I walked out and went to my room.

So I walked to my room and sat on the floor and removed a box from underneath my bed. It was a simple cardboard with many books in it. These books consisted of my doodles.

Whenever I would doodle I felt like I was entering a different dimension, where I can create whatever I wanted and not worry about it being too costly. I didn't need to interact with people who I didn't like nor did I have to explain myself when I did something wrong. It was magical.

I opened the book to the last page, I had to complete the doodle of a rose. It was an ordinary rose but there was something special about it. The petals never dried and the flower never lost its fragrance. It was just a beautiful, blood red rose.

Only the stem was left to draw and after that was done the weirdest thing happened, my book shut on its own.

It must have been the wind I thought and then a second thought popped in to my mind and this thought made shivers run down my spine. The window and the door was shut.

How could air close a five hundred page notebook?

This might sound stupid but it sent me in to such deep thought that I didn't hear my mom opening the door.

"Elina!" was the first thing I heard my mom say.

"Yes mom?" I asked her

"The tempo has come, wait down till they collect all the stuff." Said my mom

I followed her downstairs and waited outside, looking up at my home. The ironical part was I was moving from hell to heaven but it felt like the other way around.

Moving to the city would be extremely cool but I would miss my friends and that free burger every Tuesday after school. I went on and on making a list of all the free stuff I get, until my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey girl, what's up?" asked Ariana as she embraced me in a hug.

"Resembling the good times." I said, still looking at the house.

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