Only a girl

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Everything appeared blur, and when I turned my head upwards that same green light was visible. It fell on everything around me like someone was pouring it. Now it looked more like a sparking green liquid than any kind of light.

I was spinning around trying to understand what was happening, my surroundings were pitch black and I couldn't see a source of light anywhere.

Suddenly, I heard a sound. It sounded like a liquid falling drop by drop from a height. But there was something weird about it, after every droplet there was a sound of something burning which was followed by the next droplet.

These tunes were normally soothing but the sound of that liquid and then of something burning was driving me crazy, I just wanted to get out of whatever nonsense I was stuck in. I even pinched myself a couple times thinking I was dreaming but that was a lie, I was wide awake.

Tears formed it my eyes, I was scared. Before the stupid green light appeared there were barely any people on the road, so screaming wasn't an option, still I tried it. No luck.

I thought this was the end of my short-lived life and I prepared myself to die by the sound of liquid when it stopped.

I waited.

And waited.

It stopped, finally. My world returned to normal, the darkness faded from my sight and everything present before was present back again and there was no green light in the sky.

I was soo relieved that I could barely breathe, when I checked the time it showed 3:35 which meant that I had faced that horrible experience for only five minutes. I felt like five hours.

I took a deep breath after I thought I could breathe again and walked home slowly. I was extremely freaked out after what had happened.

As soon as I reached home and grabbed a glass of water and gulped the water and sat on a chair. I was thinking about who to inform this weird incident to.

My mom wouldn't believe me because she's the kind of person who believes in heaven and not hell and what I experienced was definitely hell.

My dad on the other hand would say that I didn't sleep well and was hallucinating or some other weird logic.

My brother would think it's just some stupid prank I'm playing on him and wouldn't listen to me for a second.

Then it hit me. How could I have forgotten? Ariana. She would totally believe me.

I rushed to get my phone and dialed her number. No one picked for a while then her mom picked up the phone and said that Ari had gone for a music trip and had forgotten her phone.

Of course, how could forget her 'extended winter music class' or something like that.

When I went to sit back on the chair I noticed something, it wasn't weird or anything it was just a symbol engraved on to the chair.


What could SKP stand for?

In a few minutes I found myself examining every piece of furniture in the living room and the most surprising part: all the furniture had SKP engraved on it.

Who was this dude anyway?

I wasn't even sure if SKP was a person or a thing but 'dude' seemed like the appropriate term.

So when I went to look it up on my phone I realized it was dead. God, I need to remember to charge this thing.

I really wanted to know what SKP stood for.

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