It's been a shit show

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Nicky POV

"Ok ok listen there's no need to get vicious right ? I mean come on lady it was in the past." I said

"It doesn't fucking matter ! I still lost everything and for what !? What for someone who didn't appreciate me and used me because they didn't have what was meant to be let go. "
McCullough responded

"Ok so let's lay our shit out... no matter what happens today you'll still go to prison. Wether we give you money or wether you kill us for not cooperating, you'll still go to prison !" Piper says

The room goes silent as if everyone was absent. 

"I'm not going to shoot anyone. This whole circus ride has been a shit show. really fucked me up you know ? " McCullough says

"I'm sorry

Time jump (vauseman spin-off)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang